Tinker class and dark ranger class

So i know this a huge topic right now and I just wanted to throw my thoughts in on this, we see tinker class during island expeditions , we see mekatorque and gnomeish devices being highlighted throughout the war campaign.

We also see lots of dark rangers and Nathanos even says during the azerite BG that there isn’t a single dark ranger among you, makes me think they are hinting at tinker and dark ranger class. Would be cool to get both at the same time.

I know tinker seems really obvious but what do you all think about dark ranger ? I honestly think this is a class that will happen. This isn’t me hoping or wishing, I sincerely think they are aiming at these two classes.

I wouldn’t mind a double class drop for once but I can only imagine that with multiple classes comes a lower quality of spec

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I definitely want a dark ranger class, along with an actual necromancer class.


Make current SV hunter BM. Remove current BM. Replace SV with “shadow hunter”. Make it play like old ranged SV, except theme it’s damage around shadow stuff instead of nature/arcane.

BM is always in an awkward spot. It has to be tuned lower than other specs because of the advantages you get as a ranged class doing damage through a pet with all instants. You can’t have a spec capable of 100% of it’s damage while moving doing as much as classes that have to stand still and cast. So just make it the actual melee spec. Current SV is great, competitive, and plays well. I have no complaints with it. Leave it literally the same, just call it BM.

Then, you have room to add another ranged spec. Lots and lots of people really want something like what used to exist with ranged SV. You could redo a version of that spec and base it around shadow/void damage and effects and please a lot of people in the process.

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Don’t get me wrong, I think it would be awesome to have some sort of Sylvanas magic hunter class but really dark rangers are just undead marksman hunters.

There isn’t really anything “special” about them. It would be the equivalent of asking for a korkron class when we already have a warrior.

Also, if they did make a dark magic hunter class after sylvanas then there is nothing in the lore for the Alliance to have since all dark rangers are undead.

(Just want to iterate it would be cool though… just not really possible in the current state of the lore.)

Tinkers is shaping up to be in the game next expansion though. Yay.

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Dark ranger sounds more like Marksman Hunter spec.
Tinker sounds more like Engineer talent…
They are better off making current specs into “hero” specs then introducing Tinker or Dark ranger.

We need dark rangers asap

They cant balance the classes and specs we have now. Heck, shadow priest and shamans weren’t even ready for the launch of BFA. Do you really think blizz can handle anymore classes?


Tinker would be iffy. Its engineering. The healing spec for it would probably be healing turrets, which is just a goblin restro shaman using a healing totem. I wouldn’t mind tinkers with a backpack or something like the ones in WC3 and be able to tank and dps.

Dark ranger would just be marksman hunter but with shadow damage instead

Necromancer class would be cool, but I think it unholy had a few changes for a 4th spec then it wouldn’t be needed.

Let’s get some apothecary classes going in here instead so I can blight everything in sight. I have dreams too

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No Dark Rangers

That’s just a title for Sylvanas’s rangers. They don’t have special powers.


I could go for a true Necromancer. If they can make the Dark Ranger different enough from Hunter, I could enjoy that as well. Would their be any races able to be them other than the Elves though? I would hope they didn’t do that after doing the same with Demon Hunter.

I remember when Blizzard or a fan,I can’t remember created this official looking Dark Ranger class picture on April Fools Day.It looked pretty legit.


we dont’ need more classes to water down and have boring game play, let alone more excuses to ignore existing specs.


Should they go the route of no new class next expansion at the very least I would hope they add in a 3rd ranged spec for dh (help off set the heavy melee numbers) that uses bows/guns (or ranged some other way).

I’ll take all three. More the merrier. Plus with all the allied races, it’d be nice to have other choices for class.

Actually they do as they were a neutral hero class from WoW. Basically necromantic archers.

The problem with dark rangers is that there isn’t really enough to them to build a complete class from them. You’d probably have better luck with them being a cosmetic change for the hunter class similar to the warlock’s green fire. Could make an interesting quest chain from it. Horde hunters get a quest chain to prove they can handle the training while alliance hunters get a quest chain to steal the dark ranger’s secrets.

Yeah, a 4th spec or some such would be neat.
Just takes some creativity and such to make a full class though.
Not impossible.

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The only problem with a ranger or tinker class is… I can’t help but think Blizzard could do a lot better. They feel SO boring. New classes in the past had expansions based around them. What we’re essentially asking for is an expansion dedicated to rangers or tinkers, and again I just don’t think the concept is strong enough to warrant that.


Dark ranger = MM with black arrow.

Nope, that’s Nathanos trash talking you. Not a hint towards new class.

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So a second Necromantic class before actual Necromancers?