Tindral Sageswift Visual Updated

With an update we’re applying to the game right now, we’re changing Tindral Sageswift’s Sunflame visual to address accessibility concerns about too many flashing lights in the encounter.

Sunflame is now darker and much smaller, retaining the appearance of tongues of flame on players without the big flashy sunbursts.


Maybe also look a bit at the color palette from Nymue? It’s the same color all over with minor differences…


Nymue is a bigger issue in my opinion. Please look at that instead.


also can we get a discussion on how to pronounce nymue? is it NYE-myu or NIM-way?


Knee - moo - eh

See how easy it is?

P.S. That’s just how i pronounce it. lol


Fantastic! Now do Nymue! It’s impossible to see anything in melee as someone with normal vision. I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like for people with low vision.


Imagine not having special x-ray vision, or spectral vision, or super-vision, or or… actually having a fight with normal contrasting colors, ye?


The real insult is the belief that strange women laying in ponds distributing swords isn’t the basis for a system of government tier lists.

Instead we appear to be an anarcho-syndicalist commune taking it in turns to act as an executive officer meta dps for the week season.

Supreme executive power class balance derives from a mandate whining of the masses.

How do you have a raid featuring the lady of the lake then not 1. Feature her in the acquisition of a legendary weapon, and 2. Not have it being a sword is crazy.


Can you also consider changing the teal green stun lasers on Nymue to be more easily distinguishable from the teal green ley lines and teal green exclusion zones on the ground, and all of the other green things going everywhere in that fight?


Now do Nymue beams/walls please


Super confuseddd because I have to play Nymue on colourblind mode??

Smolderon abilities, room, boss, everything being the same shade of red is mildly annoying as well.


Concur with those talking about Nymue. My vision isn’t BAD, but not the greatest and requires mild prescription glasses, and yet still find Nymue extremely hard to see all the queues and mechanics due to the color palette used. The floating beams can be very hard to catch until almost too late, as they blend into the floor/background. Same with intermission. It only stuns, and I don’t usually die from it, just annoying and embarrassing when your getting ripped a new one and can’t help it. I simple won’t heal that fight anymore, unless a guild run.

I, personally, have found Nymue and Smolderon more of a visual challenge then Tindral, in all honesty.

Thanks! L&R - Az

Tindral is hardly the most visually offensive boss fight in the raid. Get to work on Nymue.

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God please.

The stun beams in particular always hit me because they blend in with the regular lines on the ground you can’t cross. I can’t even imagine how it is for someone colorblind.


Please fix Nymue. Too many similar colors, horrible fight,

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New update incoming update :

“We heard your feedback about Nymue. Everyone is having trouble with everything being the same shade of green. Obviously, green is one of the more common colors effected by colorblindness. So we are going to institute a change. Everything is now the same shade of blue.”



After reading this thread, I immediately went to make that comment – so seeing the first comment was someone else suggesting it makes me feel extremely validated :joy: lol

Those stun lines are a nightmare to see. lol

Legit. :joy: I think I said the same thing in a guild raid on discord the other week, haha

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LMAO that’s been the trend for the last few patches hasn’t it?

It’s hard for us to understand how anyone could think it’s a good idea to intentionally NOT use standardized colors for good vs bad things. To not have GREAT contrast between different visuals the user is SUPPOSED to see and dodge.

Like…Was the point to create difficulty via BAD visibility? Because it seems intentional.

Id agree Nume is terrible, not sure how green on green on green on green on green on green on green on green on green on green on green on green on green on green on green made it out of testing. for ranges those lines that come out are almost impossible to see from some angles

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