So this is just a theory and could be construed as a “conspiracy” theory, However I have played 1000’s of BG’s amonst my toons which is why i’m posting under PVP because i rarely play any other content.
My Theory surrounding the Hit Box, and for those who are not familiar with the term, in the virtual world there is the digital rendering of a character and or object but there is also a “box” per say that surrounds that rendering which identifies the “actual” area or proximity around the object that is subject to being “hit”. I am not a coder, but have extensive experience working in the software field and with programmers. So my theory which i have been “studying” over some time is that Horde have smaller “Hit Boxes” than alliance. Initially, i just summed it up to other factors such as latency, my mechanics etc. But I would notice subtle things like “how can that mage reach me when i can’t reach him (on my mage)”, “why can that warrior charge my warrior but i’m not in range”, then there were vehicle applications, firing canons, glaives etc…where i’m getting hit for max damage but was quite a distant away from the epicenter leaving me question, are all these drivers that awesome and i am just that bad lol",
So a number of circumstance had me question what was going on and my suspicions grew as these examples continued to recur but there are also many others. Then I made a hunter recently and found myself laughing pretty hard after laying traps at flgs and watching horde while in shadowmeld stand almost right on top of the trap and cap. While on the other hand, if i am anywhere near, pretty much a 4-5 yard radius, from a trap at a flag i will be snared. Even on y rogue where traps i can see i have tested how close i can come and the result is not very close lol.
I mean since 8.2 there has been a noticeable improvement in alliance BG success, however, my “conspiracy” theory still holds true at this point. Is it plausible, absolutely, it’s simple code, but is it a fact, i really don’t know and really am wondering if anyone else has been suspicious of similar experiences. I mean it really could be just a matter of other factors, i just found it too consistent to be chance.
“takes off tinfoil hat”
Thanks for reading!