Read above, I got a 395 Icon and its supposed to be 492
Same, 398 Grieftorch
Just completed with my friend and his came out as a 389 Acid Proof Webbing. Holding off on opening mine until we hear something.
Another guildmate got a 460 item
418 boots here
looted 421 boots
Same got last season gear for complete quest 454 wrist
hopefully they just reset the quest for everyone or people that did it early are just screwed.
424 pants
hopefully will retroactively be fixed
424 the loot saying 493 and got a lowbie gloves good job blizz
Same, got a 421 waist lol. Not sure how they fix this
421 waist here…
389 weapon, lol.
395 icon with Avoidance. REALLY hope they upgrade them.
A friend just got a 405 seal of filial duty from the quest.
415 one hand
TW Weekly said 493. Gave me a 454 Season 3 item
I got 424 boots…
Same here - 418 ring.
431 S2 Cloak
Got a 463 staff.