Hello! Wowhead posted an article a bit ago on burning crusade timewalking items and prices. See link: https://www.wowhead.com/news/burning-crusade-timewalking-new-rewards-reins-of-the-amani-hunting-bear-349650#comments
While it’s great to have so many new items to chase, the prices seem outlandish. Compare to current timewalking vendors and it doesn’t make any sense.
How is a new player or even a long time player supposed to get these items especially if all the timewalking vendors get updated to match these prices. The easier 500 badges and a possible 200 more on alts will take years and years to get even from one of these vendors. Let’s hope the prices aren’t final and become more reasonable.
I’ve been playing for 20 years and between 20 anniversary vendors and updated burning crusade vendors I’ll have zero badges left! Thanks devs and good luck with all that’s in the works!