After considerable conversations and deep-sleuthing. We have come to a bit of an understanding.
“If Player A has xp off, and is grouped with Player B, and Player B for whatever reason doesn’t have the xp reduction debuff, then Player A gets banned”
-Concerned Advocate
There seems to be a few alternatives to a player getting inadvertently banned.
“queue solo as a twink into a specific dungeon, then sync queue with another group of 1-4 players, so you can get into the same dungeon. If queue a 2nd dungeon after completing the first, you won’t get the xp debuff on any toons”
-Concerned Advocate
^This particular method is employed by players that boost through Timewalking. (when they are clearly not supposed to).
This is apparently a means of bypassing the system in place to prevent abusive tendencies
There are a variety of player websites that are mentioning a hard ban wave today around 3pm.
There seems to be a great many players that are varied on the side of innocence when it comes to this.
If the ban was meant to target players that are blatantly abusing, it’s hit civilians.