Timewalking Soulshapes for Night Fae - drop rate needs an increase

Please raise the drop rates on soulshapes from timewalking. I’m on run 17 today attempting to get the Cloud Serpent Soulshape and basically gave up going after the Cata one due to how long those runs take. It is not a fun experience for something that seems likely to not even survive Shadowlands.


This falls squarely in the category of this post about the Love Rocket: The Love Rocket Mount NEVER Drops - #10 by Chimes-11261

Timewalking for a specific expansion doesn’t come around often enough to warrant such an awful drop rate with no bad luck protection. Honestly it should have been a reward from the timewalking weekly quest.

I just stopped caring, because I never even use Soulshape and I’m getting sick and tired of the RNG gods.

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They will get thrown away after the xpac ends anyway.

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I would hope not, something could easily be worked in to let players keep these cool forms we have become attached too. Don’t let these appearance grinds all be for nothing!

Three more runs and it might drop! :smiley: It is a beautiful detailed appearance too btw.

I’m up to over 35 runs and 5 hours wasted with nothing to show for it. Blizzard needs to understand this is garbage gameplay. It is supremely depressing, especially given the number of groups I literally had to carry on my back topping damage as the tank.

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I always think that faster farm runs are me carrying myself at a faster pace.
It is RNG and I don’t believe it is one of the more super obscure drops out there, take a break make a nice beverage and come back at it.
It will drop! and come back to tell us too. :smiley:

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