Ive always seen the reputation badges from the timewalking vendors and always wondered which ones are worth getting exalted in.
if anyone has a good list of which expansions of timewalking i should actually get the rep tokens for that can get cool rep rewards id love to know. Thanks
I don’t know, but, honestly, aren’t they all mostly the same, just offering stuff to suit a different taste? One may offer a BS plan, another a LW plan, but, in the large, there’s not a lot that distinguishes one faction from another.
Obviously the details differ, but, like, if one has, say, a mount, they all have a mount, just a matter of which one you like.
i was just seeing if there was any of them that specifically were better than others. might just do them all anyways so i can get tabards but was curious which ones might have a mount or something cool like that
Cenarion Expedition in BC
Sons of Hodir and Wyrmrest Accord in WotLK (argent crusade too but that’s a whole thing)
MoP basically all of them
Saberstalkers in WoD and probably some of those faction specific ones too, can’t remember
All of them for Legion, and also a chance at more if you keep filling the bar after Exalted, though that RNG has been the path to madness for many.