Timewalking que is broken

Trying to level with timewalking and the que’s been going for 35 minutes

“Average wait time 4 minutes” my butt.

(Yes I restarted que numerous times, relogged, did my taxes, threw out my dog, deleted system 32, all of it didn’t make the que pop)

Edit: I think this is caused by a party leader que-ing while everyone abandons group, it locks you into que purgatory that I can only seem to get out of by having a second account que me for the TW dungeons instead


It’s been working for me ?

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Hahahaha I thought I was the only one!

Darn you’re right I forgot the silent p


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In my experience queuing for timewalking as a DPS, the queue either pops in 3 minutes or is actually broken. There is no 20 minute wait and then a pop.

I did finally get into my first timewalking of the day near 45 minutes of wait later (not counting all the other 20-ish min resets I ended up doing) I don’t know what’s up but some hamster somewhere in Blizz’s basement died and needs replacement.

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Try /reload.


I managed to force myself out of this quep purgatory I was in. I used a second account, had my tank que me and then after that its been working normally. I think some of us are just getting put into a never ending timer group somehow…

I dunno something to try if anyone else is still stuck, have someone que for you!

I switched to a 2nd character because of it. It first started on 7 April in the evening. then got to 2/5 and it went to 30 min queues and tonight as well I was unable to get to do it on Jaylisra and switched to another character to only get to 2/5 and I wasnt the last in the dungeon and i did /reload and exited queues numerous times. I logged out for the evening because of it. This is so annoying. Blizzard has been very quiet on the subject of course.

:man_facepalming: :poop:

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its not just timewalking, other dungeon ques too. Even as tank or healer, sometimes it takes forever.

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Hm, I wonder what the cause could be. I’ve noticed longer queue times than normal in heroic dungeons, but not really TW.

The queues have been 60+ minutes for me every time.

This was happening to me in TW, as well–the DPS queues kept escalating in length (30-40+ minutes with no end in sight), with an occasional 5-10 minute pop, usually after leaving and re-entering the queue. Queues were fine all Saturday morning, but got worse and worse as time went on. Just logged out after a while and went off to do something else for the rest of the day.

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its been this way for a long time for me (massive wait times for LFR /LFD)
my longest wait was 2hr 16 mins for a LFR grp at which point i gave up.
the truth is that there are a lot less ppl playing this game than you think.

My wait has varied from a few minutes to about 30-40, at the longest and this is on multiple Alts.

What I have found is that if I’m farming for professions or hunting rates, it ALWAYS pops mid rare fight or as I’m fighting to a mining or herb spot.

The game knows. :wink:

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What’s broken is how incredibly fast it is to level alts through tw. Shh don’t tell Blizz.

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yep, still broken. smh blizz

It’s cause WoD is the weakest out of the TW lineup. We all silently hate it

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I dunno, I kinda like some of the WoD Dungeons.

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