Timewalking Mage Tower was a failure

I think I started lurking these forums early-2018 or so, and I remember GD’ers were complaining about even the “piss easy” 7.3 Mage Tower w/ the super-saiyan artifact weapon etc :laughing:

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Fighting with Style: Challenging day 2 at 892


This has nothing to do with it, I just wanted to feel special :upside_down_face:

ugh my girlfriend was watching that like an hour ago lol

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you should have been here earlier when MT was 1st introduce and every 1 in the community decided to pool their resources to open MT 1st. And when we got it well calling it a $#!tshow was an understatement in the forums lol.

I got my pally MT week 1 when it was release. Let’s just say it was frustrating and fun and alot of different emotions all at the same time. I think I had over 1k wipe on it


i beat it when it first came out. am I in the 6% ?

Should have never brought it back and then we wouldn’t be having this argument today. :man_shrugging:


People who couldn’t do their challenge don’t know how to play their spec.

Throwback to Silver Proving Grounds where people insist that they “pull their weight” in group content.


I played a lock, a buddy of mine did the prot pally one.

He was using very colorful language in disc the entire time he did it. Kinda funny tbh

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I don’t think my characters even register on Data for Azeroth anymore because I haven’t logged in for uh… a while. I am in the percent that never gave it a thought.

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Bruh, please. PLEASE. Let me hit some of that hopium for new solo challenges.


This… and bring back 10 man raids.

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10 mini raids inbetween full tiers, like HoV but not as cracked out because Helya while fun was a nightmare

I hope so too. Need forum tears for my popcorn


I had fun busting my melon on the Guardian challenge. Also got WW and Fury. Preparing for Ret, Aff and Sub for the next go around.

My least favorite part has been re-learning the crafted pandaria leather stuff. My LW has learned everything except rogue pieces, fun times.

But I guess I’m in the minority? I dunno.

Does everything in the game need to have a 100% completion rate?

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depends on who you ask in here lol.

EDIT: Like the post below lol

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6% is even lower than I would have predicted, and it of course includes many players that completed only one challenge for one of the easier specs.

The Broken Shore was absolutely packed with players at the start of the event, and the auction house was initially jumping with activity involving legacy equipment, mats, and consumables for expansions from MoP, Legion, and BfA, but the hype died down as soon as the typical people players realized that the challenges were way overtuned.

Extending the event was pointless when the devs bowed down to pressure from elitists and backed down on their promise to equalize the level of difficulty across the specs.


yep, and that’s why I’ve not even started my battlenet launcher and even canceled my sub mid December and it’s now just coasting on the remaining time. This was advertised as the main thing to tide during a content drought of grinds within grinds within grinds and it wasn’t fun, or enjoyable, for the majority of the player base.

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So instead of improving yourself, you are going to quit and pout about it?

You do realize vanity and competitiveness are staples of the MMORPG genre ya?


It was fun for me, I really enjoyed the challenge.