Timewalking keystone Issues

My recent interaction with a GM has been so off putting and has been going on for the past 4 days with no resolution. I honestly have reached a level of frustration that I haven’t felt in such along time.

I had a bug with the legion timewalking keystone pickup/ quest and put in a ticket Tuesday afternoon shortly after servers came up, I didn’t have one in my bag nor could i pick one up or have the quest available. I put in a ticket in regards to the problem, I receive and automated response, in 8 hours saying that I should check Wowhead/forums for possible solutions. roughly 36 hours later I received a messaged from a GM stating that I have a Keystone in my bag and I can only carry one keystone at a time, completely disregarding that it was labeled as a timewalking keystone issue. I respond to the ticket saying that “I know I have a regular keystone in my bag, the problem I am having is with the timewarped keystone and the quest that goes along with it. Any thoughts about how to fix this issue?” I recieved another ticket yesterday afternoon with this response :

"Although we have kept the Mage tower activated until the end of the year to allow players several extra days to earn their mage tower transmogs, its important to note that the Legion Timewalking event is only a week long.
Now that the week is over your timewalking specific keystone is gone, you do not get another one in the weekly vault and legion timewalking Mythic+ isnt available until the next Legion Timewalking event, which won’t be for quite a while. "

the fact that legion timewalking is CURRENTLY AVAILABLE and that it has taken now more than 4 days to sort out the fact that I do not in fact have a timewalking keystone in my bag, but I do have a regular one. Getting responses from GMs that have no idea what is going on in game is so disheartening. I honestly, don’t know what to do about this problem. 104 hours later I haven’t received timewalking keystone.


First, try.

Then as last resort,

Mythic+ Legion Timewalking

In addition to the normal Legion Timewalking, players are able to run the available dungeons on the Mythic Keystone difficulty. When Legion Timewalking is active, players can talk to Ta’hsup by the Great Vault in Oribos to obtain a Timeworn Keystone, allowing to run Legion Timewalking dungeons in the Mythic+ difficulties.

Unlike other Timewalking dungeons (where you’re scaled down to the dungeon’s intended level), these dungeons instead scale up to the correspondent Shadowlands Mythic+ level. The Timeworn Keystone received is one level below your current Shadowlands Mythic+ Keystone.

All dungeons available during Legion Timewalking are also available in the Mythic+ difficulty.

Mythic+ Loot and Great Vault


as you can see from the post I have already had a Ticket in for 4 days about timewarped keystones. Im having issues with the GMs telling me that legion timewalking isnt going on right now and it wont be available for awhile

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couldnt you just run a timewalking low key and get a keystone at the end? Same like if the normal ones are bugged, you just run a quick low key to get your stone.

I have run one and didn’t receive a key

I am not sure about your ticket, rather that you could proceed with placing a bug report. Sorry.

Did you try speaking with the NPC mentioned in the first link?

Actually, both Blue posts are from a different thread just a few posts below yours.


yes that’s how this whole thing started because I couldn’t get the keystone or the Quest from him… I put in a bug report and I put in a ticket. The issue is I have GMs telling me unhelpful and completely wrong information. I have a bug that is keeping me from enjoying a part of the game that has been the only real content since June.

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The unfortunate thing is that it is a bug. There are rarely ETAs on bugs, especially something like this that isn’t widespread. You’re only the second person to have come here to CS with this issue out of all other players out there. Please don’t take that as it’s not a critical bug, it is. It’s just harder to pinpoint why it’s breaking for a handful of folks rather than it being something glaringly obvious.

It’s also worth mentioning too, that GMs who answer tickets answer those tickets from Blizzard’s swath of games. It’s not always someone who focuses wholly on WoW, so they may not get what is or isn’t going on at the moment.

Please do post in the Bug Report forum if you haven’t already, and the best thing I can offer is to just keep an eye on any reports of hotfixes, or if one of our SFAs hears of something and they post here or to the other thread.

Best of luck to you, and I hope they find a fix before Timewalking switches over.


I don’t have a problem with a bug, I understand that it happens sometimes. the problem I am having is with the GMs not having an idea what’s going in game and actually telling me that Legion timewalking isn’t happening when it is and now extended until January. the fact that i have already had 2 different interactions with 2 different GMs and neither gave me a response of more than 5 sentences long and the longest had so much irrelevant and wrong information it was laughable.

It is possible both GM’s were working on old information, as GM staff do support multiple games at the same time. This is valuable information to include in the survey once the ticket is finished. This helps developers and managers to update the information they have to do their work, as this is mainly a player discussion forum.


when it is the second GM and the third response after 4+ days, and give me wrong information that is readily available from other sites, If they are going to expect me to do my due diligence and check wowhead, I am going to hold them to the same standard.
They cant tell me that Legion timewalking isn’t happening right now and isnt going to happening for a long time.
This is their job, my time and my monthly subscription, that I have had for a very long time. If they feel that my time and/or my money isn’t worth the time it takes to look up information that could possibly help the situation and not give me blatantly wrong information, why are they even responding to these ticket requests.


If you would like to provide feedback regarding the responses you received (positive or negative), you can do so through the surveys provided when your ticket is closed. If you’ve received inaccurate information, I would strongly recommend filling out the survey.

As for your question regarding the availability of a Timeworn Keystone - if there is a bug then the Game Masters would not be able to help. So creating a bug report would be the appropriate step to take. Since you’ve done that, you’ve done all you can at this time.


thank you for your response.
I am happy to hear from someone that actually able to give me information about the problem I am having. Since I am not in the games industry by trade, I do not know the level of abilities that GMs have, nor what is fixable. The fact that I am/was having an issue with the game that seems like a sizeable flaw, reported the bug, submitted a ticket about it, and this is the first time getting a genuine response is pretty disheartening. I don’t know why it took me writing an angry forum post to get an answer to my problem, albeit its not what I wanted to hear I can at least understand. thank you again for your response.


I am having this issue as well. Any news?

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If it is a bug, there is very seldom news until a fix has been discovered. Please report it on the Bug Report forum if you haven’t yet, but that is generally a one-way street that doesn’t merit a reply.

My SO is having this issue as well. He cannot pick up the mythic TW quest from the quest giver, has no TW key in his bags, nothing. This has happened on two different characters of his so far.