Timewalking Instances Bugged

I get DC’d from the entire game, when logging back in, you are at your hearthstone spawn


Same thing is happening to me, both during End Time. The first disconnect happened after the 2nd boss and the second during the final boss fight. Both times I immediately reconnected and found myself in Valdrakken, no longer in a group, and no credit for completing the dungeon. Also hit with the “you recently queued for a dungeon” and need to wait timer.

Just happened a third time, in End Time again, while fighting the last boss.


Same here, keep getting disconnected


Just to confirm. I got DC’ed the second i hit the hourglass in End Time. Uppon logging back in i was at the inn… 9 mins cooldown in the lgf tool and of course no credit for the dungeon…

Can we have a tw week where we dont have issues please?

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I just got Dced from End time and removed from group twice now. did not get credit for either time I am not happy.


same happend to me, same dungeon too. I am going to play remix for an hour, see if they fix it

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Confirmed. End times twice.

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Also confirmed. It happened to me twice, also with End Times.

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Good News Everyone… I was able to finish End Time. I asked the group NOT to hit the Hourglass… Not sure tho if that’s why we were able to finish it.

BAD NEWS EVERYONE… It no longers gives double credit towards the quest… sad face…


Seems like we’re all having same End Times issue. DC’d entire group, then when we logged back in, we were disbanded from instance group but all still in the instance. THEN we had a 10 minute abandoned cue timer. Come now Bliz.

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awesome endtime twice and a timer when you log back in! love this small indie company!! god the bugs in this game have become a cancer to try and release content faster


Same thing d/c, back to hearthstone

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This just occured to me as well at the End Times instance. Just fighting the boss, and then DC’d. Log back in to be at the Hearthstone location, cannot qeue for another instance and have no credit towards the weekly quest.

What is going on here? Can we get an estimate on a fix? Maybe remove this horrible dungeon from the pool of dungeons?

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I figured I wasn’t the only one, happened to me twice on End Time. Was at the last boss too.

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We’re aware of a critical bug and we’re working on it as a top priority.

Thank you for your patience.


still happening, it’s only end time

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Would be helpful to just internally blacklist End Time so we don’t have it in the pool while yall fix it, I had it back to back 3 times and dced each time.


It appears to happen alot with the dragonshrine dungeon. Just FYI. happened twice, in different spots as well. if that helps


Samething here got canned 3 times from cata timewalking. Good ol blizzard… Quality ain’t the same. Same price but way much less bang for your buck…

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same and i just want to turn in the weekly…3 runs gone. this is so lame.

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