Timewalking Heroics: Non-Stop Tanks Are Denying Quest Credit to Players who Die

Tanks who speed-run dungeons without actually playing their role, because they could solo the dungeon, are creating situations due to unavoidable aggro and unavoidable mechanics, where players are left behind to die, are not or can not be rezzed, and then have to run back, where the tank finishes the dungeon before they can catch up. This has resulted in players not getting credit for the dungeon toward their 5-TW dungeon quest for the weekend event.

This is a serious QoL issue for PUGs, and I think it should be addressed.

I was on my mage alt a couple days ago and wound up in The Underbog for the timewalking dungeon.  My heart immediately sank because of past experiences with the hydra boss platform.  And sure enough, the paladin tank didn’t bother pulling the boss up the pipes.  This naturally lead to the shaman healer taking aggro from the frenzy fish, so I made the decision to have that fish attack me instead.  I died to the mob just as the hydra boss did, however the paladin tank never saw fit to battle resurrect me (they just kept moving along) and there was no one else in the group that was capable of doing so (the fish leaves you constantly in combat).  So I released and was placed at the beginning of the instance.

By the time I made it back to where I had died, the rest of the group had killed The Black Stalker and left.  I received no loot from that boss or Swamplord Musel’ek, nor credit towards the weekly because of how the game behavior works.  Truly, no good deed goes unpunished.

But it’s not a bug since everything is working as intended even though the outcome is negative.  :pensive:

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1: This isn’t a bug.
2: If you’re trying to make this a suggestion, how would you go about fixing it?

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Kinda wild that we’re expected to do troubleshooting and make development proposals to the community and the devs for a game we pay to play. Kinda wild.

Yeah, because the other option of just complaining about something that hasn’t changed since tanks outgeared trivial content is wiser?