Timewalking Heroic Loot - Same item 3 weeks in a row

It seems almost mathematically impossible for this to happen but on my Warlock I have received the same helm item three weeks in a row ( I actually think its four weeks in a row) from the Timewalking Heroic Chest from the Quest.

Something, I think, is broken.

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It’s not even unlikely, let alone “impossible”. The common items that can appear in the chest have around a 5% chance of appearing. So ~1 in 400 players will get three of those in a row in any three week period. Which is a lot of people when thousands are doing it. There will even almost certainly be several 4 in a row “winners” every week.

It is disappointing when it happens to you. But RNG is what this game is built on.

Your Math is incorrect. Though I should have said “improbable” the odds are 1 in 8000 for three times (given 5% is correct). 1 in 160000 for four times.

I stand on Something is broken.

Yeah, I knew you were going to say that, people always do.

Ask yourself what is the chance of one in a row? It’s not 1/20, it’s 1. You are going to get something - which is then one in a row. You only start to deal with odds for two in a row. Is the second same as the first? Chance of that is 1/20. And so it’s 1/400 for 3.

If you prefer, you would have had the same reaction if you had got any of the other possibilities 3 times in a row, i.e. 20 chances in 8000, or 1 in 400. Shakes out the same.

It happened across all 5 of my 70s each week of these time walking. I keep thinking maybe it will be different this time. But nope. Same BS every single week it’s pathetic and is pissing me off. I have now read more than 6 posts about this. MULTIPLE people having this problem. To me it’s obvious. It’s extremely rigged. There is no R in RNG . They took the random out and make sure you get the same useless stuff. It’s a waste of time at this point. Not a reliable source to get a upgrade. Upgrades are impossible. You might get lucky and get 1 upgrade every 2-3 months