Timewalking Harder than M10?

If you haven’t had the luxury of running Rukhran in Sky Reach or the Grimrail Depot on timewalking, you owe it to yourself if you want to see what broken looks like.

Just pugged with a 1700 raider io guild group and we had to use hero (after about 4 wipes) to kill Rukhran. I’m a 389 ilvl prot pally and was getting 1 shot if I didn’t pop my cd’s.

Not sure how a regular pug group is going to pull this off.

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Rukhran’s tank mechanic is that she does massively increased damage if you don’t have an active mitigation effect timed for her Pierce Armour.

Were you having the debuff go through onto you, and that was why you were getting “1 shot”?

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Yeah 2nd boss grimrail is busted right now. Mortor is 1 shotting our geared bear with 4 pc

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ugh you tellin me they buffed timewalking dungeons too??

def can’t wait for the “Break yourself upon my body” guy to wipe out pugs next time Cata comes around

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If you’re talking Blackrock Mortar, it’s an ability meant to be dodged that no one should be getting hit by. Same as the Assault Cannon’s barrages, they’re mechanics designed to be avoided, and designed to kill if you eat them in the face.

That’s not ruling out that the scaling on the damage might have changed - Blizzard manages to mess up Timewalking literally every time, but that particular mechanic is supposed to kill you hard enough that you decide to dodge it instead.

Even the adds. I am pulling 3 at a time and taking a beating. It makes sense I guess if the scaling doesn’t take your current gear into place and just puts everyone in greens. That’s what it seems like. Running a heroic in greens.

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The Rukhran fight has been tough for PUGs I’ve been in, at least the last few times timewalking came around. But, mainly because it seems you really need to know and do the mechanics well (like mitigating the pierce armor ability Darièlle mentioned, LOS quills, tank runs up early to avoid the screech cast) to succeed. You are supposed to kill/kite/CC the adds away from the ash piles to avoid spawning more upon death. They also erupt when killed, so best not to be near them in general.

Usually, in my experience, if the mechanics are explained and successfully done to some degree and the healing is strong, you can get through it. Lust is even recommended for this fight on the wowhead guide. It is not easy, but can be done with a patient group that’s willing to learn or already knows how to do it. I haven’t done it yet this week, but I’m sure I will soon, so it’s possible the scaling could be wonky.

My least favorite “boss” in this dungeon is fighting the wind maze to avoid getting swept off into oblivion lol. Especially if I’m trying to heal the group as they ascend, as well.

I did my TW on a newly 70 hunter and we had zero trouble in any of the dungeons. Must if the bosses died before we even had to deal with mechanics.

We DID have to hide from quills in Skyreach, and I didn’t get grimrail, but like someone said, those are supposed to be dodged.

You’re all downgraded to ilvl 110, so gear isn’t really deterministic, although I suppose a 110 epic will be slightly better than a 110 blue.

I was expecting the TW to be annoying, but it was super quick and painless.

Is there a TW raid for this one?

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110 ilvl is post hotfix. prior to it, it was ilvl 45. stuff was hitting like a truck! but yeah its very very easy now at 110

every time timewalking grimrail comes up people either bail on it or we wipe and dont complete the dungeon and my key goes down