Timewalking Events need more raids

Why is there only three timewalking events to have raids? Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, and Cataclysm. Nothing else after. Shouldn’t be too hard to make a TW raid for Pandaria now that Remix is around. Dreanor only had the three raids for the expansion (lazy), so they could do Blackrock Foundry or something. Would, also, be really great if they did TW for Vanilla. Make us run MC or BWL would be awesome.

I think we need more events and moreover, M+ Timewalking again.
But it seems that we won’t be having the later again with the new M+ rotation.

I think revisiting and ensuring the raid can work would take some toll.
Maybe after Remix, in TWW MoP can have some raids added too. Perhaps all raids, since they’ve revamped it.

I wish we could have Nighthold in Legion Timewalking for example.

I wasn’t around for the M+ Timewalking. What were the drops like for that? Which expansion was it for? I only came back right before Season 3 started. Stopped back in BfA right after Uldir.

Legion Drops! And we could get Legion items from those dungeons also in our vault!

During Shadowlands, we had Legion Timewalking with M+ (instead of a raid).


That’s a shame. I guess they kind of used it as a test for when they changed mythic + rotations? Like how we just had past expansion mythic + dungeons in Season 3. Again, I just came back, so not sure if they did that same thing in SL or not.

Getting legion items in your vault is really awesome. That would be something they should do when you beat X number of bosses in TW now. Because The Skull of Gul’dan I had on my mage was an unbeatable trinket in Season 3. Intellect, crit and a HUGE haste on use? No trinket could touch the burst on that thing.


In hindsight it does feel like the Legion timewalking M+ was just testing the waters for turning old dungeons into mythic + dungeons that are scaled to the current level cap. Which began in SL Season 4 with the old Mega Dungeons, Grimrail Depot and Iron Docks.

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Yeah, it was. And the result is this new rotation we have.

I don’t actually think you could get Legion items in your vault. But doing a legion timewalking mythic + dungeon did count towards your dungeon vault unlocks.

Because I remember farming Court of Stars a lot for the auto attack ring (as it was still 10% AA damage increase at the time) because you couldn’t get it from the weekly vault. When we had court of Stars for DF season 1, blizzard changed it from 10% to a number. Since you could get it from your vault.