Timewalking is a great step to making old content relevant and useful. It expands the world the players inhabit in a practical sense, sending us to old/new adventures in content otherwise underused.
The dungeon offerings in timewalking are stagnant, pun intended. The list of options does not change and represents the “easiest fixes” for the old content. The raid is always the same, as well.
Can we please see more dungeons from each expansion added to the rotation? Even if it’s just one dungeon, every other cycle, the improvement in variety and content would be appreciated. Tuning additional raids would also be welcome, and I understand the time commitment for that type of endeavor is much higher.
I think Timewalking Events are fun, engaging, and they get me and my friends in the game and running dungeons and excited to revisit these memories. When we can revisit every dungeon and raid for current-expansion gain, the content reuse is at its best. Let’s expand the world and the variety until we’re really including all of the old content.