Timewalking dungeon mobs not giving much xp

Virtually 100% of my XP is coming from completing the timewalking dungeon via LFG but mobs are only giving ~100xp?

This doesn’t feel right

It’s not. They should be giving much more.

Thanks for pointing this out, i noticed the exp from the dungeons really low as well.

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Still an issue

same problem. apparently everything triggers when you reach level 71, I was doing a dungeon with my hunter 70, and the mobs gave me on average 1200 EXP with rested bonus, after I went up to 71 the average went down to 100 exp per mob. (at the same dungeon)

I suspect this is not a bug but instead is working as expected. Blizzard doesn’t want folks rush-leveling alts through time walking this early in the expansion.

Related, it seems the dungeon experience is lower overall, not just for high levels. My L30s character only gets 1.5 levels or so per dungeon from the combination of mob XP and queue bonus.

I hope you’re not right. The entire sales pitch for expansion was alt friendliness. I suspect the post-70 scaling is broken in some way. Possibly related, gold rewards for quests also breaks at level 71, reverting from 28g per quest at level 70, to 23g 40s. If you have any quests unfinished in your quest log when you ding up, they will actually lose value. 23g 40s is BfA (level 50) amounts of gold. It is the only point in the entire history of the game where leveling up has objectively de-scaled quest rewards. I think they forgot to scale something up somewhere, but the effects are obviously uneven since War Within xp and ilvl gains are unaffected.

it’s worse now, if you queue with a lv80 that has the experience eliminated debuff the whole group xp earned is dropped even further. atm getting only about 6xp per mob killed. After the dungeon was completed none of the characters below lv80 got the end of dungeon exp reward.

Also, it seems that exp is fine at exactly lv70, but the moment you’re lv71+ the exp drops significantly. (Similar to the exp gain for remix for lv60+ early days)

I leveled from 75->80 in TW dungeons this week and never ran out of rested xp because mobs don’t give any. This is definitely bugged

I’m pretty sure it’s a bug. Going from ~1200 per kill at 70 to ~100 per kill at 71 makes it sound like kill XP while Timewalking from 71-80 is impacted by the ‘legacy content’ 90% XP penalty for being beyond the level range of the expansion you’re in (i.e. a level 31 in vanilla/BC content outside of Chromie Time). This shouldn’t be happening since timewalking (currently) scales us to its level, thus it should be considered current content.