Does anyone know how long Timewalking is going to stay in Cataclysm?
I ask, because I’ve done almost everything for the Phoenix Wishwing pet. The only thing that remains is to get the Glittering Phoenix Ember from Firelands. Unfortunately, I had already gone through Firelands this week to see if any of the pets would drop.
And if Cataclysm ends tomorrow, then I’ve missed out until Cataclysm comes up in Timewalking again.
And that is, AFAIK, the case. Timewalking events are still on weekly rotation.
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My thanks, then. But I look at the bright side. It’s all ready for next time, and I have enough time to get two other characters ready for it, so I can have three.
The hard part was getting all the questing done in WoD Arak. It just seemed like I couldn’t find the right questlines to get the merchant to spawn. So I ended completing the entire achievement “Between Arak and a Hard Place.”
It’s not so hard at level 80. A bit of a time sink, but so what? So is all of WoW.
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