Timewalking Black temple Illidan not dropped Illidari Battleplans

I ran the Black temple Timewalking quest, and killed Illidan with my hunter, no drop, no battleplans… how can I get them? I ran it again, and the same, nothing.

You are locked out of the boss after one kill so you can’t loot it if it didn’t drop after the first attempt. I’m not sure if it is standard practice or not, but I put in a ticket when the quest item from Firelands was bugged and they sent it to my mailbox. It’s worth a shot to try. If you were not on the quest the first time you killed him, it would not drop after the fact and they probably wouldn’t assist in that case.

I did not fight him on the first attempt, cause I was lost getting there. on my fist attempt on the fist I did fight him and killed him