I just transferred 9,031 timewalking badges from one toon to another. The log at the bottom left of the screen shows this transfer as successful (I have a picture of this log). The badges were debited from the original character but NOT credited to the later.
I opened a ticket, #US103157196. Please ensure these timewalking badges are properly credited.
If you need anything further from me, please let me know.
Thank you.
I just had the same thing happen. I submitted then found this.
Timewarped Badges Missing - Blizzard Support
That page was last updated TWO MONTHS’s ago. !!
This is not acceptable. We must all have our badges returned to us, and in a timeframe that allows us to make the purchases for which we initiated the transfers in the first place.
I concur. I feel for the guy who lost 140k badges today. That would be a game ending event for me if it isnt restored.
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Yeah, I know what I’m feeling losing 9K… I can’t even imagine how I’d feel losing some of the amounts I’ve seen this last hour. Blizzard absolutely has to make this right.
Apparently, we’re not allowed to post a reply when we’re the last person to post in a thread, so I’m editing this post with an update…
My missing badges have been restored!
In case it’s helpful to others - opening a ticket via Blizzard .net’s support service is NOT the way to go. That GM was unable to do anything and didn’t even know that anything could be done. He just made several suggestions offering steps that might work.
Instead, use the in-game “Support”, “Item Restoration” feature. You’ll be directed to another site, follow the prompts from there.
Good luck and happy gaming! I’m off to buy my Legion mounts!