Timerunning/Remix Allied Heritage

So, we’ve been told we can use any of the existing races for Timerunning content/Remix.

If I were to create any of the Allied Races and level them up in this content, would that still make me eligible for the Heritage armor when the character transfers to TWW?


This a good question and one that would determine which races I choose for my Timerunning characters.

I would also like to know this as many in my guild wanna level allied races this way

This will definitely impact what race I roll for this event so I’d love clarification.

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I really hope so… this would be a huge incentive to play the new mode more.

I had a feeling it would, even as an oversight

I’m going to assume that you won’t be awarded the heritage, because the achievements you get in remix are separated from the regular live achievements, and the heritage is awarded from the achievement.

Like, for example. If you go and use the barbershop on a remix character (i heard they added a barber in pandaria), do you get the “A shave and a haircut” achieve? Can someone test this?

I came here with this question also. Can we use Timerunning to level an allied race and still be eligible for the Heritage armor?

I can see it both ways. We ARE fully leveling a character after all, so I feel it should count. But, it is a somewhat accelerated pace of leveling, so I could see them saying no.
But, I would be happy with a compromise and any character leveled to 70 (instead of 50) imo should qualify after the event once they are converted to regular characters.

Gonna give this a bump for visibility because the answer to this question will almost certainly determine what I end up playing during this event.

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The heritage is earned from a quest, and the quest just requires level 50 and not receiving a boost or a race change. My guess is that you will be able to get the heritage armor on those characters (once Timerunning is over) but this is obviously something that Blizzard should confirm either way.


I have no confirmation, but this is my guess also. You will be “levelling” on the realm you select, so I presume when you leave for the “normal” realm shards it will count for the heritage quests.

I presume that’s why the AH is disabled and the Evokthyr restrictions remain.

Came here to ask the same.

I had just started an allied race to level for heritage armor, would gladly delete/re-roll for this event ; but would hate to delete before hand if this wont work. Would be nice to get a blue response on this one for sure!