Timerunning Tanks Denying TW Dungeon Credit To Players

I’m not trying to avoid acknowledging it. Tanks probably need to be brought back down to reality. It would be healthy for everyone but especially for them.

I’m just saying this is what we’ve got right now, tanks are often empty between the ears, and when they need a dose of humility I find it amusing to let it happen.

Q for another one ?

the minute that happens - the dps and healers need to vote to kick


I’m well aware of what we have right now, and I literally do everything that people are suggesting above, and sometimes you just still get borked by mechanics, or by bad luck, or by a tank who is geared for speed and who literally doesn’t care whether you survive, when you’re just an alt trying to get their 5 in. It’s way out of control.

I want to see a system where after each boss, there’s a barrier, and if all five party members don’t click to open it, nobody progresses. Sure, that could be griefed too, but if you’re in a party, you’re in a party, and if you’re just taking care of your own goals and not playing your role within the party, then, like, wait for delves.


See that sounds like just giving everyone the option to grief instead of making it harder for this single role to grief, which is what I’d prefer, but I agree that the tank role in the game is just outrageous currently.


Unfortunately this is just a symptom of the content being too trivial. Blizzard can’t nuke them from orbit in trivial content without greatly affecting gameplay in every other aspect of the game. It seems they’re trying to do this by making trivial content less trivial, but they’re currently in the trial and error stages. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Maybe they should add a stacking debuff to tanks if they get too far away from their party members, like 10% slower initially, then stack it higher and higher to the point their feet are basically nailed to the floor if the system detects that they’ve abandoned their whole party lol

If one dps afk’s at the entrance to the instance, the rest of the group could still move ahead, but trying to proceed with more and more of the party being absent would eventually become unplayable.


Maybe? I think this might lead to an epidemic of vote kicks, though. Ret pally too slow, couldn’t keep up and slowed everyone else down by 10%, kick and go next.

Solutions were given. What would you have us do? We’re all players. We can’t stop them from chain pulling a dungeon. The only thing we can do is give you solutions.

The whole thread is just people refusing to take any responsibility for the fact maybe they’re doing something wrong

Always someone else to blame


If you are really asking what I’d have you do, if you really actually want to know what I was looking for, then here goes:

“Hey Abricot: while there are all kinds of ways to cope with this bad situation, I agree that it’s bad, and I really wish Blizzard would address it.”

I’m not asking players to fix anything. I’m literally just sharing my take and seeing who feels the same.

Nobody asked you to fix things.

Yes, make me go even slower because the 3rd dps is taking a crap.


They could make more mobs inflict armor-piercing, self-healing-reducing debuffs and let more of those stack, so speeding through 12 packs would come with a “have fun with -100% self-healing and armor” tag.

Of course, any solution that would require mechanical intervention would take more effort than Blizz is willing to put into Timewalking.


Yes, make blood dk unplayable.


Just stop when the tank stops and don’t touch a single other button besides movement before that. It’s that simple.

Not every dungeon in the game needs to have a timer stripped and be an hour and a half long Blackrock style slog…

I’ve had zero issues with the cache quest as all 3 roles, and I’m a pull to boss style tank.


What an amazing suggestion!
I’d never click the barrier. Let the group disband, then I’ll get another group is seconds while DPS wait, and wait, and wait…

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The idea of such a thing would be that it’d only progress to the point where it’s a problem if 10 mobs are constantly applying it to you, though I don’t know if any of the tanks who pretend they’re at AGDQ would be using BDK in the first place.

That being said, this thread is rather funny since people seem to like acting as though “maybe the 1 should adjust for the 4” is more ridiculous than “maybe the 4 should adjust for the 1.”

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And what exactly do you want them to do about it?

Yet you’re asking Blizzard to fix a player attitude.

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It would still severely impact blood dk’s ability to tank whilst being a minor inconvenience for most/all others.

When tanks do that, I just vote to boot. 9 out of 10 times it passes and the tank goes back to where ever they came from.