Timers added to Torghast

Do it, I dare you.

A fair compromise I would say. Theres other ways they could have done it though such as cap the number of times a cooldown can be used on a floor. It provides the same results without being an actual timer. Cant lust more than once. If the timer was say 20 mins limit 2min cds to 9. Simple imo and doesnt gimp tanks and healers as much

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I don’t have any issues. I was on the same page as you are right now before I saw the added torments. But I’m fine with them, they add a different style of content that isn’t just walking around leisurely with no repercussions for anything. If i want to afk, I have the option between floors, and in case it was omitted, the devs even said they were going for a rogue-like vibe with Torghast, which they’ve done just fine.

“At the heart of the Maw lies Torghast, Tower of the Damned, a cursed otherworldly prison where the wickedest souls in the universe are locked away. Highly replayable and inspired by roguelike games, heroes are invited to explore its ever-changing halls and chambers and do battle with the minions of the Jailer, Torghast’s vile ruler. Those who brave its trials can claim legendary treasures and help free the heroic spirits wrongfully trapped within.”

So why not get rid of them to please everyone?


Because we already have unrestricted dungeons.

No we don’t have infinitely scaling dungeons without timers. There’s already a timed option so how about something without a timer?


Reading these posts make me think Torgast is going to be a cross between Mythic dungeons and Visions . Not something I’m looking forward too now at all.


I suspect you’ve never played a roguelike before

There were already restrictions based on number of deaths.

Plus you are going to hit a point were it is simply no longer possible to progress without better gear.

Why add timers as well?


They also expect things handed out like candy too

I’ve played a lot without timers.

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We don’t have un-restricted SOLO content that gives current level rewards. That is why we wanted the tower in the first place.

What about raiding?

As your side has pointed out numerous times there are enrage timers.

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Yes. And? Kill the boss, you won’t get kicked out of the raid for just standing around.

But as you already said many many times before, that actually has a timer in it :stuck_out_tongue:. On a serious note raiding is base line and currently it does not offer the same level of rewards or the frequency that mythic plus does. Nor does it have a chest.

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We don’t have un-restricted solo/duo/trio content that gives current level rewards


My use case for Torghast was going to be running them solo (in which case the timer doesn’t really bother me, full disclosure) or with one or two friends I do everything with for the past decade (in which case the timer does bother me, because one of these friends requires taking their time for health reasons, and they’re the entire motivation I’m in these threads).


So why not just play a single player game then?

Then what is the point of 11 and up? So go in run the first 10 floors get what you need and leave. No reason to go beyond if nothing is there. So no point in the timers except to make people not run it.

Oh so this is because you don’t think it’s fair other players get loot? Do you want all players to get the same anima powers every run to keep it fair too? Worrying about the few players who want to spend 40 hours waiting for bloodlust is so petty. You want the majority of players to suffer and not have fun because it makes you feel superior.