Grommash: “And what price must I pay, Gill’dan?”
Gill’dan: “Mrrrglthing…”
Gill’dan lies.
Gill’dan goes to the beach. Gill’tan
Gil’dan meets his idol, Gil’fan.
Gill’dan goes to Eye of Azshara. Gull’da… /can’t do that while stunned/
Gill’dan goes for a tasty desert. Gill’flan.
Gill’dan has candy. Get in the Gill’van
… what is that? o.O
Gill’dan contains a beverage. Gill’can.
It’s one of the other rewards you can buy with Paracusal Flakes, an Obsidian Warwhelp
“A war-obsessed world turned her into a weapon… but they couldn’t break her spirit.”
Gil’dan goes to the beach, Gil’tan.
Gill’dan learns an out of date programming language, Gill’tran
Gill’dan goes for a three hour tour, Gill’igan.
Gill’dan joins the track team. Gill’ran.
It looks creepy. LOL
Gill’dan never wants to grow up. Gill’pan.
Gill’dan trolls the forums. Gill’ban.
Gill’dan is relaxed. Gill’zen.
It’s an awesome pet. Maybe the best ever made…