Timegating dinars 3 weeks was a mistake or theres a massive bug we dont know about

So you farm valor with random pugs who get rating from completing 2s, and you expect it to take 20 minutes or less per run… lol. You really have the good stuff.

I mean, I’m used to slogging through +15’s on my hunter. A +2 feels like a vs. AI stomp by comparison.

And, again, it’s not like there’s a drought of wildly overqualified dps signing up for low end M+ runs with how badly some people want to farm valor…

You talk like those youtube videos that say how easy it easy to farm 2 million gold per hour… you just have to actually sell it on the auction house and not wait weeks or months per sale.

If you are farming valor on pugs that get rating from 2s they are not going to speedrun those keys like your hunter main.

They will stand in the bad, they will die, they will pull lots of extra stuff, they won’t interupt anything, you aren’t getting a 20 minute average on those 2s.

Again, it has to be just ONE person that has never run a +2 before.
Not two, not three, not four, not all five…
ONE person must not have run that particular dungeon on +2 to guarantee that it’s a M+ score upgrade for them.

With just how many very high .io dps are doing +2’s, that person that never ran the dungeon before could be the healer and get booted from the group immediately upon starting the dungeon if the tank and dps are that paranoid the healer has no brain and just buttpulls everything in the instance.

You’re telling me a wildly overgeared tank and three dps wouldn’t be able to just blow apart everything in the instance before it can hurt them?

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That’s why i said you talk like those youtube videos.

You just have to do this one thing to get rich!

Just sell it on the auction house!

Just get 1 guy who gets rating from 2s!

Ok. Sure. You farm 2s for valor like that consistently. Mmhmm.

That’s so stupid if you clear heroic, I have no need for 285 loot now besides rings which will come from M+. Sylvanna’s bow/daggers aren’t one of them thought are they?

I said I wanted the transmog…
(and it was a 24% upgrade but I don’t trust that cause I was using shield from first sepulcher boss which is basically a weak third trinket)

Can you check to see if sylvannas bow or dagger is on there thought? I doubt the bow will be there but the daggers are not legendary quality. They are called “Edge of night”.

Bow is legendary and definitely not on the vendor.

Every other raid item that is NOT legendary is on the vendor.

Good to know, so I can at least purchase the dagger and quiver-cape back piece with dynars.

Legendary bow also has a higher drop rate now in season 4 but is not on the vendor.

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Hope I get it this week at heroic ilvl!

still doesnt drop on lfr

To ‘finish’ season 4 it will take no less than 3 weeks, just wow, 3 weeks. It’s not like they have given us anything to really keep us subbed.

I know, I’m doing heroic fated raids. Interestingly enough, I looked it up and for a while on PTR sylvannas bow was made epic instead of legendary and appeared on dynar vendor. It seems they changed their mind about it and reverted it back to legendary before release.

Where did you read it would have a higher drop rate?

someone posted about it on the forum since it wasn’t available on the vendor and the season is shorter they increased the droprate.

I’m posting this a little before reset, so this is still the first week as I type this.

And knowing that, I’m telling you people in my guild are ALREADY running +20s.


The term “easy” is subjective but it seems to me S4 is showing that not all time-gates are bad. Giving access to unlimited Valor and upgrades … this system hasn’t convinced me it’s a good thing.

I definitely played wow a lot more when it was easier to level alts and get gear (pre mythic+ nerfs, and double xp in BFA)

for context, you used to get an extra piece of loot at the end of the dungeon for each + you got so if you +3 a key you would get 5 pieces of loot i think.

And the ilvl was way higher at the end of m+ runs too. And it could titanforge but that was very rare to get a good upgrade from that.

They’ve basically gutted gearing severely since legion and BfA so to hear you complain about it is… odd to say the least.

I mean, I don’t want to stop people from having a good time; from playing the game.

But … I know the playerbase. With people pushing 20s and ALREADY being i300, the ability to pug is going to set a new standard for exclusive and abusive. I don’t see how it could be anything less with the bar raised THIS HIGH already!

Who are you going to pick for your groups in week TWO: the people that are i282 (still VERY respectable after only a damn WEEK!), or the people that are i300.

Probably around 80% of WoW players are so far behind the curve, they don’t even realize it.

I don’t see that as a good thing. Sorry to those that have enjoyed running 100+ Keys this first week and cashing in on unlimited Valor.

Bro what, you get to choose literally 3 of any of the raid items, 3 guaranteed BiS slots.