So I know in the past of 8.3 it was a normal chest, and that was kind of fine I guess.
However at this point in the patch. Thats simply not good loot. Its going to drastically lower participation. Now you want to stack 5 weeks back to back, with worthless loot as the reward for 5 weeks straight. Heroic gear would still be a downgrade/side grade for most people, but at least with corruption and stuff a good roll, a person could justify the 460. 445s come from WQs and Assaults, and tons of other easy content and is just too low to be relevant.
That doesn’t feel good, and on top of all the other stupid stuff going on, makes me not want to play at all TBH.
5 weeks of timewalking also means 5 weeks of normal nyalotha cache, which is fantastic for alts, also ive been waiitng for BC timewalking for ages to actually get the transmog warglaives achievement, so i’m happy.
ALSO, timewalking for leveling exp is really good.
Its not though?
I just returned 3 weeks ago and my ilvl is 465.
460 gear is easy to come by, even WQs give 445. 445 is not good loot for ANYONE in the current state.
I heard the tuning is terrible for players who don’t have azerite traits. Not disagreeing with you just looking for some input on how true this is? I have a DK I am leveling currently at 83.
Far as the OP yea its not really worth it at max level unless your just farming badges or trying for mount.
Not really when 445 loot drops like candy for far less time investment.
The rewards for TW’ing need to be looked at in Shadowlands.
idk, most classes i’ve leveled through timewalking i havent had issues with.
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Blizzard put out a hotfix on June 9th to adjust the tuning in Timewalking. Blizzard stated they were a little aggressive when they tuned Timewalking to compensate for Corruptions and this made them harder than intended. Note about the fix is on June 9th.
the last two events i ran didn’t seemed tuned correctly. i just ran my first from this event when the servers came up and it was normal, like it used to be - not cakewalk but not horrible. also question if anyone knows: the way i understood it was we were getting bonus rep for all associated with the corresponding expansion…i received rep for just sha’tar in mana tombs - am i missing something??
It is if the gear is an upgrade. No everyone or every alt starts life at 445
WQs do not give 445, EMISSARIES give 445 and we’re lucky to get one every 7-10 days.
And ny’a loot is better then a lot of the 445s you can get from emissaries.
bonus rep for any related reputation in the amount of 50%, you still only get the rep you normally would from each run.
It was never meant to replace gear for ‘current’ up to snuff character mains. It’s usually a one off thing for alts to level etc.
Sadly now you need some good set up or you CAN/MAY but not necessarily get trucked with how tuning is.
Last TW I did, group wiped a LOT of times. Not a fun experience especially me not really knowing wth is going on in older dungeon content. Not like you have time sifting through the dungeon journal as the group is on the move to see what bosses do what and so on.
And 460 ilvl is only ez for those that really put in an iota of effort for pugging, or with guildies etc… stop blanketing everyone under that like it’s something that falls from the sky.
They changed the tuning on the 9th.
But tuning wasn’t that bad imo, I did about 30 during WoD week and we wiped maybe 2-3 times and it was always due to tank over pulling
Not really it’s trash gear.
Not going to change for me since most my alts barely have any worth it corruption, azerite etc… they swung the pendulum too far but I doubt it’ll be any easier.
It really is group dependent. I just don’t find that enjoyable. Not to mention being clueless in most older dungeons. By the time I can check the journal, groups way ahead lol.
I mean, the rest of your post is your own personal thing, but people are already reporting they’re much easier.
Litteraly put in barely any effort and have almost full 460 gear.
I’m sorry your tripping…
We give up with the 5 weeks back to back TW, the Mythic quest weeks, PvP quest weeks. Both of which give 460 gear.
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that loot is great for lvling alts so its great loot actually just because you dont need it doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t 
We don’t give up anything, they’re doing the tw weeks in tandem with the regular weeks
Yeah I get that. I literally pointed out it’s group dependent.