Time Travel in Pandaria: Why can't we get pre-SoO Vale of Eternal Blossoms?

I hate what Garrosh turned the VoEB into. It’s hideous. I would like to see the time travel give a third options: pre-SoO. Currently, we have the x.3 patch (the drilling eruption of Sha in VoEB, I guess? I didn’t play that patch) and the current patch (the Old Gods invasion). We need one more, back to the early-to-mid MoP.


The Vale was so beautiful, and seeing glimpses of it in BfA makes me wish I could travel back in time even further. Supported!


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I don’t like the Uldum and Vale are going to be constantly under old God invasion every other week probably until the end of time.

I wish they had a “you did it peace is restored” version of each zone.

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As someone that skipped MOP, I am in support of this. I want to see the pre-SoO stories of the Vale.

Wasselin, both of them have time-travel (you can see little “text blurbs” on the maps where the time-travel is possible).

It’s how I plan on getting the camels from Uldum in SL (out-level the zone, then do the daily quests).

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Considering they’re already going down the time-travel zones hill and are basically cutting the brakes in Shadowlands, I think it’d be nice if they could do more stuff like this. My personal favorite would be if they started bringing back old instances they removed.

After doing the quests in uldum, you might want to get an Uldum rep tabard and then hit Cata dungeons. I believe Grim Batol is the best for this as it has the most mobs.