Time to remove arena official forums

No, not for the reason you are assuming.

Instead of having arena as a forum, we need a standard forum that combines all rated pvp content. That includes blitz brawl, arena, and rated bgs. The separation of forums for this type of content no longer makes sense unless Blizzard intends to balance pvp differently in each pvp setting. And we all know they won’t do that.

I’m tired of people saying “this is the arena forum” or this is the bleh bleh bleh forum. PvP changes affect all rated content. Time to lump all rated discussion into a single rated forum.

no we do not need this.


This is the arena forum though. Your topic here doesn’t pertain to arenas and should probably be in general discussion.


People who enjoy arena > People who enjoy rbgs.

We are not the same.

blitz isn’t real rated pvp

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It’s all rated content and the changes for one will affect the other.

Time for a single Rated PvP forum.

And if your post is more focused on arena just type in the header of your post something like this…

Arena: please nerf bleh bleh bleh class now.
Blitz Brawl: please remove stealth see through orbs

Boo hoo hoo

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3s > Blitz > :poop: > Meme Bracket > BGs

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I gotcha, just a lot easier to assume that when people make a post about pvp issues that we know it’s related to arena. The issues or questions someone might have for blitz or rbgs are going to be very different than arena. I do think there could be a rated bgs forum though.


here me out…

we just leave the forums as they are

Makes no sense to keep them as is. Better to condense them and make it easier for devs to sift through the posts.

Honestly, we just need two pvp forums.

  1. Rated PvP
  2. Unrated PvP

dawg you realise the only true rated pvp content is arenas right now? RBGS been dead for YEARS. theres a reason WHY this forum still exists and its because arenas in general is the best form of pvp content wow has

:rofl: :rofl:


Blitz is going to be unfathomably based, and anyone who thinks otherwise is hitting copium hard.


So tell them to shut up and continue to say whatever you wanted to say then. Lol

Can’t wait til Blitz gets its own Gladiator Recolors :nail_care:

Hmm, you read my mind.

If that is the case they need to merge Mythic Dungeon and Raid forums.

Yeah its called General Discussion

Disagree. Random power buffs in a regular bg doesn’t make for better PvP imo. I’m glad people are enjoying it, but it’s not for everyone.

Disagree all you wont. It won’t make you right