Is it time to move to a new server? It appears the wpvp aspect that made this server great has died off. I am returning after a 6 month break so maybe it was just my initial impression on returning. Thoughts?
We are all in Grobbulus. This is a bad time for retail. Wait for shadowlands and a lot of faces will be returning again.
How are things on Grobbulus?
Excellent. Factions are more balanced than most servers. There’s healthy amounts of RP on both sides. Hell, there’s 2 dwarf clans that are very different from one another.
Most of ED are also in Grobbulus.
This is a good time to get into classic while you wait for shadowlands.
I would make my decision in shadowlands tbh. While I doubt things will be like they use to be it should be a bit more active then. Otherwise I think most of the people are on break or like mifune says grobbulus /deviate delight.
Play on Classic PvP realms. 100x better than Refail.
I understand that for community, but I just hate classic. its not fun, no good races (dark iron are the best no matter what anyone says) and I am tired of wanding things to death in classic lol.
but the community makes it nice, so I just sit talking to people when I get on classic instead of playing.
to each their own.
Sure are a lot of classic players hanging around retail forums begging for people to join them.
First time I looked at ED forums since Classic launched. First post too since then.
If retail players haven’t tried Classic yet despite having terrible BfA content as an alternative, hey, no amount of convincing will work.
I might check out Shadowlands but yeesh, they sure didn’t announce much.
Are you one of those people that hops online on retail at 4am and gawks at how “dead” it is, even though our Orgrimmar is pretty packed out at peak hours?
I bet you are :^)
Yes please leave or feed me honorable kills this server is dead and buried. Any wpvp you do will be criticized and penalized by the “rp community”
For example
https ://
My comments were directed at the poor content BfA released with. I made no mention of how active the players are and I wouldn’t know anymore since I haven’t logged in for ages.
I just moved here from Earthen Ring and it’s pretty hopping compared to that server. I didn’t notice the timezone (I just clicked the most populous RP server) so that may become an issue once I start trying to raid, but I’m thrilled to see so many players running around doing things.
Welcome. I use to love earthen ring, and I had attempted to move everything there but had drunkenly clicked emerald dream instead back in MOP. I still have a couple things there, and kinda sad to hear its fairing worse than ed is. Anyway welcome. There are plenty of pug raids on alliance between many guilds. I do not raid but I see them often so I do not think finding a group will be tooooooooooooo difficult.
Innocent Victims Clan at it again.
First off, you are showing screenshots from an ALLIANCE discord advertising that ALLIANCE are being attacked at a quest point.
Secondly, the only comment there that needed any kind of reaction from you, was MINE. A sarcastic remark poking at you guys for instigating confrontations then acting like you did no wrong.
Thanks for coming to the forums and adding merit to my remark tho. Kudos.
Typical Brickfused Cartel
But they dont follow the rule set they go by. If we posted something like that in horde or ally discord being toxic (like them, look at screenshot…) we would’ve been kicked instantly lol. Also we were fighting all around the zone, not camping one specific point…
Arguing with you is like arguing with a brick wall. None of us are even bothered with that insanity.
Facts man, facts.
I’m gonna side with the team that didn’t CTA their guild to mass upvote a comment.
Does anyone actually take the like system on the forums seriously?