Time to merge all realms into one mega realm

which realm are you on where you want to claim there are no players?

I’m honestly surprised they haven’t merged more servers to alleviate the issues with low population servers. At the bare minimum when they get linked/merged they should be listed as High for population total. Merging/linking only to bump them up to a low-medium pop seems a bit worthless.

My guess is they’re dying to an elevator and the camera is glitched through a wall.

EDIT: Or the camera is being placed right behind or adjacent an object which can also cause a glitch.

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I’d just like to have some more servers merged. The server I’m on is connected to just ONE other and it’s extremely dead Horde side. I guess from the middle of BFA to current SL they went from pretty balanced to like heavy Alliance.

Like, the servers are actually merged. Do your homework before you make bad suggestions. So-called connected realms share one database. They old server names are merely surnames so we can keep our toons’ names. Nobody wants forced renames on a server merge. Thank heavens Blizzard isn’t that stupid.

They do need to merge more servers though. My server group is low-pop and the economy is trash.

I just want more alliance to kill

Sure, but merging realms actually kills them (MMOs), so I don’t want Blizzard to do that.

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Im assuming this is not a serious post and that you are just fishing for arguments.

If it is serious, its such a bad idea unless the idea was to create an impossible gaming quality and drive all the Oceanic players out of the game (since we have our own server and are quite happy to keep it, thanks).

So, hopefully, not a serious post.

There wouldn’t be any chance of Consumption getting it’s stacks ever again.

What you are saying doesn’t make the slightest sense.

Gets Nazjatar flashbacks

Doesn’t WoW servers have log in issues and disconnects when many people are logging in at once?

Oh no.

Also, I’d rather not merge non RP realms with RP realms. Too many trolls possibly ruining RP and RP realms are awesome, at least in cities where the majority is locked in.

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game lags enough as it is

1 fps. Maybe even 0.25

I guess people have fun seeing zero people out in the world. Tbh I hate it.

I main ally with WM on and I’ll see about 7 people a day
pretty discouraging if you ask me. Especially when this is the “largest” MMO.

I guess I could pay hundreds of dollars to move all my characters over to a better sever or just play another game tbh which is a much more likely and cost effective option.

It makes more sense than you think, and I’ve seen it happen so I know this is how it works.

You might be thinking: “Oh, it’s an MMO, more players in one space = great, so merge realms to bring more players together! Logic!”

But what you don’t take into consideration are the various communities on each of the realms. Sure, I know the meme that there are no communities anymore because of CRZ and such, but that’s not remotely true. There are guilds that are known on particular realms, there are players that are known on particular realms, people have friends lists that don’t consist of B.Tag or R.ID connections.

All of this is lost when a realm merger happens.

Guild are forced to disband or change their name, players are forced to change their character names through no fault of their own, friends lists are absolutely destroyed, the community you had on your realm is gone, completely, and for many players the community is what keeps them going. Their guilds, their friends etc. They lose those, their incentive to log in and play goes up in smoke and it gets worse the more you merge realms together.

This is what happened to Warhammer: Age of Reckoning. It was, by all accounts a competent MMO. It was doing some unique things and it had a lot of players. But Mythic, the creators of the MMO, overestimated just how many people would play. Rather than do what World of Warcraft did, which was to add servers as demand increased, they thought that adding a ton of servers early would help them dodge this problem, and for a while it worked, but then as players left the game those servers started becoming more desolate.

So Mythic started merging them. Entire guilds were disbanded, players were forced to change their character names because someone on the realm they merged into already had their name, friends lists were completely dismantled, the server communities on each realm that was merged were destroyed and players, understandably, left because the incentive to log on to hang with their friends and guild members was gone. And as more people left, that meant more realm mergers, which only made the problem worse.

Eventually the numbers for Warhammer reduced so much they were forced to take it F2P, but even that wasn’t enough and the MMO was shuttered a short while later. Now you can only play it via private servers.

SWTOR and RIFT have similar stories, with realm mergers occurring causing players to abandon the MMO. It happens more often than you might think.

Now Blizzard can mitigate some of the damage, since they have the ability to transfer guilds across, but friends lists would still be destroyed, characters would still be forced to name change. Guilds would be forced to name change, and any server communities that existed would be gone.

The damage realm mergers cause is the reason why Blizzard went with CRZ instead of realm merging, because you get the same effect as a realm merger, but without any of the negative side-effects.

Listed Soundless in LFG last night and waited for the usual 20 people
 nothing. I asked in chat if anyone wanted to kill it
 nobody. I had to kill it myself.

Its 6am and my server pop is “high”? Ya right. Soon I will be buying my own stuff on the AH. Soloing in torghast will be the only option.
On the bright side, Warsong Gulch will be pretty easy
 Aeonaxx will always be up

this is part of the reason so many realms are dead - you guys keep trying to chase players away when they just have a different opinion than you or enjoy something different than you.

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Sounds awful, let’s not.

You should send him a couple hundred bucks to transfer all of his characters.

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