Time to Hire GM's

Or… alternatively… and hear me out…

You could give me the $200 million and I’ll try real hard to replicate a classic experience you will all love, but instead fail miserably after two months because I don’t actually know what I’m doing or want to do it, and then we can all accept that I tried peacefully.

There’s always a simple solution, I’m here to help.

Either that’s total BS or their ‘Hacks team’ is completely incompetent.

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Capitalism is fine, but cheating your customers and screwing your employees just for a fat paycheck isn’t capitalism, it’s exploitation.

This seems resentful. Do you feel cheated?

Thank god someone understands the law of averages, there are always outliers but we all know eventually the average catches up. (Terrible over simplified description)

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Quality should always be job 1.

The bottom line if you care is better served by reinvesting into the product lines so that the quality is good. Play retail and you will know what I’m on about. Classic has a few bugs, and questionable functions but it’s overall a flawless masterpiece when compared to the hack job that’s retail.