Time Rift- Instance is Full

It would be nice to be able to actually complete the content. Multiple times I’ve zoned into the Time Rift only to get booted with the error “INSTANCE IS FULL”. Then after about 2 minutes you are able to enter the instance with a dead boss and zero reward or completion.

I was hoping we’d have some sort of news of this issue by now.

On the plus side, I’ve learned about 700 new swear words and insults during those minutes when hundreds of players are getting booted out of the instance and letting their frustrations be heard.


I put this as a response within the general forums, but I’ll copy it here too as it is revelant.

This has happened to me too.

This is honestly unacceptable at this point. This shouldn’t be a repeat of the lag fest all the other public events were at the beginning of this expansion. I, for one, hope they stop doing these public events if they’re going to continue doing this same methodology.

These either:

  1. Need to have adjusted caps on the amount of players allowed to be in a shard
  2. Make the events be a solo player experience
  3. To do a combination of the 1 and 2. In this case, you’d reduce the amount of players per shard in the open world “public” event, and then reduce it to the single player experience within the actual time rift itself.

If this is causing grieve to players, why don’t they shut down the event for the time being until they can come out with a sustainable fix. Instead of getting players to ruin an entire zones experience, and then ruin said players experience by not even letting them do the end portal event.

Edited for clarity.


I’ll also say it’s been just total clown shoes at these rift events. The mobs are able to be one shotted. You get no rep or completion if you can’t at least tag them. There are waaaaay too many people in a very small area actively -trying- to one shot them, and succeeding. I get them done, but with a lot less reputation than I’d would have earned if they didn’t die instantly in the portals. Do more of the varied tasks where you break up everyone, and you don’t have so many people in direct competition. Even the bosses are getting just curb stomped with so many people in there. Maybe it’s better on a low pop server, but I am on a higher pop server and it’s a circus. I’m about 25% of the way through the last level for Soridormi rep. . … and it’s taking forever. Guess she doesn’t remember me from the Brood of Nozdormu reputation from classic. That’s a minorly annoying point, having to go earn reputation with someone you are already exalted with.

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