WTH blizzard. I start the time rift event. The last task is to enter the time Rift, but I and many others can’t because the instance is full.
Error msg. “Transfer Aborted: instance is full”
When I get in the rift, the npc is already dead and it doesn’t respawn.
I experienced this for the very first time in the most recent time rift. Two separate Alliance players in our shard got the bright idea to form separate raids and this led to filling the instance when the boss time came. Annoyingly enough, the portal actually let me zone in the first time but then I was kicked out immediately with the full error.
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They really need to fix this. People are getting DCed going into the second portal and then cannot get back in due to instance is full, cannot complete quests, etc
I have experienced this as well this week. It is rather annoying. We do all the work and then there are those that are camping the portal and that locks everyone else out. They then enjoy the fruits of our hard work and we get nothing… This needs to be fixed.
Just had this same issue and I am incredibly annoyed.
FIX THIS BLIZZ!!! I have been unable to enter at times and sometimes I am in there and then I get kicked out! And all the losers who are camping up on the pillars are getting in while the people who are advancing the requisites are not.
Boss still happens with no completion so you didn’t “do work” when it comes to that but honestly the boxes need to be personal not group based unless you’re like a healer in a group(not sure why as no healing is needed).
I entered, was in for about 5 seconds, then kicked out. Every time I try to enter after that I get insta-kicked.
Also having this issue. Bug report submitted in game. Has happened several times in a row now.
Advertised feature by the way lmao what a joke. This game has NEVER been able to handle so many players in one place before, they need to shard this out ASAP.
I haven’t been able to complete a rift in the last 24 hours on my SHM - 1st was Varian, bugged and got kicked out. The N’Zoth one I ported in, then got ported out with TRANSFER ABORTED: INSTANCE FULL. Another I never even entered it. We all clicked the portal, waited 5 minutes on the loading screen then ended up in front of Soridormi. Still haven’t completed LAST WEEK’s Aiding the Accord quest because of it.
Why make a new feature if it doesn’t ever work?
My other characters have each only been kicked once or twice, but this is a kick in the face when we wait for something timed and then can’t even participate.
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The fact that this is so widespread and isn’t even being acknowledged tells me that it’s pretty much working as intended.
So for lots of us, that means that the new events aren’t even worth doing for a few weeks until things settle down. Forget the fact that we’ve paid money each month for the development of this. We don’t get to participate, because TRANSFER ABORTED: INSTANCE IS FULL.
Too bad. Bad luck. But don’t forget to come back in an hour and see if RNG will tell you if logging in for the event was a waste of time or not!
Bumping this to say that many people are still having this issue. A bit of acknowledgement would be great.
Yeah, I dont know what good encapsulated destiny is if it only works when you can get into the instance. That one that’s filled with so much lag it takes 60 secs to cast your spells.