Time Rift: Control Reestablished

Twice now I’ve gotten the “Control Reestablished” task in the timerift for all the robots. The task just says to repair the malfunctioning control panel, but all there are nearby wrenches on the ground and a malfunctioning capacitor object. I can pick up a wrench and use the vehicle bar to spam the wrench on the capacitor to make it light up, but nothing ever happens after that and I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing.

I tried looking up a guide or something, but everything is just a news article talking about WoW’s cool new feature, so…yeah. Does anyone know how to actually complete that task?


I couldn’t figure this out either. I think there’s supposed to be a console/control panel here to click once all of the things are hit but it’s not spawning.

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I’m not sure if your instance of it was bugged, but for me there’s the main control panel and then a number of little ‘nodes’ around it. I don’t remember what they’re called, they -might- be capacitors?

The way it worked for me is that I ran around and hit several nodes with the wrench, and then it connected to the control panel with some electricity. The nodes only stay active for a few seconds so you have to run around and keep spamming inactive nodes until you complete the task.


Same happened to me. Buggy console, I guess.

I just encountered this Time Rift activity today, and I have to say, I was excited about it until I realized that I couldn’t see the Control Panel at all. I got up to 100% Charge with no problem. But, without even seeing the Control Panel, the task couldn’t be completed and the “Control Panel fixed” objective stays at 0/1.

Yeah, in my version (and I’m guessing others’), the Console wasn’t there:

Damn, that sucks. It’s the worst because you can’t ‘fail’ your personal tasks so you’re just stuck there not helping with credit. X_x


Just encountered this… first task, as soon as I got over there it looks like someone had just completed it and it disappeared on me. Been sitting at 0/1 Control Panel fixed for about 8 min now.

Thank you. I just encountered this today and couldn’t figure out what to do until I read your post.

Bumping this because the same thing just occured to me so i’m stuck for 8 minutes unable to gain any rep or flakes.

This is annoying

As of May 2024, still not fixed. Same issue, just got the bar to 100% and console disappeared.

If anyone is interested, I found the fix. Just fly away until you get the message telling you to return if you want to participate in the time rift. Fly back and it should tell you to talk to Soridormi again. After you talk to him, you should have a new task for the rift.

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