Time Playing Wow Vs Internet Searches about Wow

Uhm,could be. 100100111000.

We can come up with far better theses, I assure you.

Nothing negative about my post. If you take it as negative, again, makes me wonder what the ulterior motives areā€¦

Weā€™re about three more posts away from getting called mean for pointing valid conversation facets out. I wonder if it will be an entirely separate thread this time.

I waste a lot of time on the forums.

Iā€™ll read updates and stuff for my class in a patch for may be 30 minutes, but that is about it.

When Iā€™m playing the game Iā€™m playing the game.

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You just donā€™t stop, do you? Another one for the mute pile.

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When actually playing wow I donā€™t look up much, the quests are generally simple, theres very little in terms of puzzles. Not to mention the quests and map tend to tell you exactly what needs to happen.

I do look up raid fights beforehand if thatā€™s what you mean though, Iā€™m not really playing wow at that time tho, the guide is the thing Iā€™m doing.

Oh and when content is near, I obsessively refresh wowhead. It can be at work, it can be in the restroom, I could be walking my dog. Not really a during wow thing idk.

Careful thereā€¦Your paranoia is dripping out your ears.


Iā€™d say, on average, Iā€™m playing 15 to 20 hours a week, and maybe 10-20 minutes on wowhead. I really only look stuff up on occasion and believe that addons are for unskilled chumps or sweaty neckbeards with e-peen issues.

At most, im looking up macros in wowhead comments, internet guides ruin video games for me in general. I like the exploration, discovery and learning process and will do so at my own pace.

For context, since the start of the year, I have looked up answers on Wowhead twice. The first time was to figure out how to use the ā€œempty magmasnail shellā€ ( I looted it randomly and knew that it was special but nothing in game said what for). The second was to find the ā€œdrogbar trinketā€ set (again, looted one randomly, had to look up how to get the matching one, and a targetting macro to find the NPC to get it).

It should be fairly obvious i am a ā€œcasualā€ player and dont raid (LFR on occassion) or M+ but still put in a lot of hours just questing, open world events, leveling an army of alts, crafting, and farming mats/mounts so i am not the ā€œtarget audienceā€ for Wow in 2023.

Well now, apparently you enjoy reading my topic threads and posting replies in them.
Thank you.

Now to the other forum regulars who always come across as haters; Hereā€™s an analyses for your viewing pleasure:

Paranoia? LOL. You have ZERO impact on me, what would I possibly be afraid of? Your crusade against WoW or third party sites or your perceived notion that WoW is too complex? None of it affects me in the slightest. Iā€™m merely curious as to what your end game is, because there always is one.

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To be honest here, your posts are incredibly boring, because the points you make are mostly invalid, or useless, or just trash.

You care too much, when you should just stop caring about how someone else play the game, and just go play it the way you enjoy. You dont pay our sub, you dont pay for our expansions, so just shut up and stop being annoying.

IF someone need 10 addons to automate their quests, its their business, and their alone. What you think, what you want and what you think people wants just doesnt matter.

Schtick is getting old

Oh dear look at the blatant hostility here.

Your schtick is getting even older omg itā€™s ancient. How sad.

Did you really need to flag my post for no reason other than to make yourselves feel better? Now thatā€™s really sad.
