Time Limit on Queuing for Dungeons

So We now have a 15 min limit once you get inside the Dungeon? Does not matter if you complete it ? Took 9 mins to do the TW Dungeon now got to wait 6 more mins.

Random Dungeon Finder Cooldown not Resetting upon completing Dungeon


Yeah, I’m running into the same crap is this a cool new “feature” of patch 10.2?

Completed dungeon. No one bailed everything went smoothly yet I have to wait 10 minutes to que again.

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Pray to RNGesus this isn’t a stealth change. Last thing we need is “We didn’t want you to feel forced to do more than 4 dungeons per hour, so we put a limit to make sure you guys have fun the way we want you to have fun.”


I am experiencing this also. With the DMF only lasting an hour, the 5-10m wait between dungeon, and normal queue times its rather annoying. I hope this isn’t an intentional change.

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“We put a limit to make sure you guys have fun the way we want you to have fun.”
Let’s hope it’s not this.

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This has to be a bug because the cooldown prevents you from reque’ing with your party.

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No. we should not have a cap on em

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Yeah I am also having the same issue, I was hoping whatever hotfix patch was this morning would’ve fixed it.

Agreed. It’s almost certainly unintentional.

The panda quote is a joke.

The timer is actually pissing me off so much. I’m getting so bored waiting in the DMF that I started talking to my friends.


Still seems to be an issue