Time is Running Out To Get The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur!

Theyll just change the color or add armor.

We do live in interesting times. :dracthyr_tea:

This looks like the bean counters told Blizzard’s marketing dept “Man the harpoons, we’re going whaling.”

Affects peoples PCs and the price of tokens.

Yes we are. I wont complain 20+ years from now that I didnt experience interesting or odd stuff in humanity times are indeed interesting and there’s more to come for sure…

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$90 for a mount, no matter what functionality it has, is ridiculous. Especially when they’re barely testing patches before pushing them to live.

clown fiesta game. worst class balance in a decade, broken patch, boring event, ugly recolors earned in game, but heres like 5 mounts you can buy from the ncsoft, er microsoft, er blizzard store.

oh, would you look at that, Blizzard token prices are climbing… I wonder why that could be.

First off, $90, good luck with that. Secondly I said a few weeks ago when they added the transmog mount to the shop I wouldn’t be shocked if they add an AH mount to it eventually and people said that wouldn’t happen and that the train of thought I was using was really reaching. Looks like I called it.

People also saying it would never happen.

Blizzard, you have been wanting to show you are in touch with the community. This is absolutely disgusting and predatory behavior.


Rop is as awful as Karens on this post, go on and talk to a manager if you’re this heartbroken, but don’t you fricking dare to tell me I like ROP.

I’m going to be honest if it was a giant panda auction house mount, I would have told Blizzard to shut up and take my money.

If it was $30-40 I would have scooped it up. This price is ridiculous.

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Dont forget this will be on the trading post eventually

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Just yet another example of how all they do is lie, always go back on what they say, nothing is ever going to be truly unique anymore, I mean look at Hatespark is now buy-able, was unique not anymore and now the most sot-after mount on the BMAH just upgraded and sold to everyone


Blizzard: “New on the in-game shop, a giant panda with an AH, vendor, mailbox and bank. $1k. Offer valid through October 31st.”

This is my plan, I’m pretty confidant I can get the amount of gold needed by January, counting what I already have I might have enough already.

The outrage is a bit useless considering you can buy the store items with your fake money almost as easily as you can buy it with your real money.

I decided not to spend the gold on the original longboi and ended up regretting it so going to grab this one.

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WoW is just a PoE 2 waiting room at this point
I would come back for Classic again though too

I can do better, valid only April 1st.

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If you had put the option to buy it again with 5 million also you would have given us all something to farm while the people that didn’t want to farm that could just spend the money. Instead you offered but one total option, your credit card, or you feel inferior in the game you’re already paying a monthly subscription for. And had their at least been some form of an attempt to not cater specifically to the top 1% in Mythic+ I may have considered this purchase. But combine that with the thousands of crests we have to farm per character making this the least alt friendly expansion in WoW history, I will walk over the extra 15 feet to the auction house and the mailbox and I will laugh at how many people will end up quitting this game in the next 3-4 months after wasting $90 on the re-release of a mount.