Time is Money and i need a brutosaur

Ok people please help me.

I have all the time in the world right now to play this game.

What do you think it’s the best way to spend my time to make the most gold? I have 14 120s to work with.

I could spend over 60 hours a week doing either one of these.

A) Farm nothing but world quests so I can get exalted rep caches that give a good chunk of money on top of the small amount of gold that would add up with all world quests.

B) Nothing but LFR farming on every toon and/or running all MoP/WoD/Cata raids on every single difficulty.

Remember I’m an alt-o-holic so if you think I can factor all my alts into this in a more efficient way, please let me know. <3

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6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1


Obviously there’s some raids not worth doing (SoO) but others (BrF) are a gold mine. Hitting the quick raids for an easy 1-2k per toon in 15-20 minutes of run time ain’t bad (+5 minutes of travel time).

I wouldn’t bother with emissaries unless it’s the 2k day. Rustbolt might be a good way to? Getting that 10k rep for a paragon is pretty quick… that depends if all 14 of your dudes have access to rustbolt though. The other paragons… when I was running them in Legion I would get 2-3 per week per toon. Given that it was an average of ~3.75k per paragon cache in BfA at an average of 2.5 chests per week you’ll make 9.3k per toon if you focus on rep. At an average of 1.5k per raid, you need around 6 raids per toon to equal 2-3 paragon caches. Raids seem the better bang for your buck and will break up the monotony.

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