Time for yellow glowing eyes for... Orcs

Cataclysm was always my favorite “modern” expansion

The Blackrock in Draenor had the glowy eyes, I was so disappointed when they weren’t there in the Mag’Har Allied Race.

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They are there. They just evolved in the decades between WoD and the present day.

Now they look even more Elemental than before.



those on screenshot are dragonmaw. I don’t even know why they are glowing

Oh yeah the Dragonmaw.
Though to be fair ol’ Blackhand had the glowy eyes to.

…Wait, are there NO Dragonmaw among the Mag’Har?

i guess they weren’t important enough in WoD and were on garrosh side during his story in our universe.

So were more than half of the Clans that joined us.
Bleedling Hollow? Their tattoos present. Blackrock? Got their own skin tone option complete with Golden Eyes. Shattered Hand? They take up a good chunk of the Mag’Har NPCs around the embassy after recruitment. Shadowmoon (To be fair, a good chunk sided with us in Draenor.)? Their the reason they can be Priests and their skin tone is present.
Heck the Thunderlords are probably present to due to having the same skin tone as Frostwolves.

https ://wow.gamepedia.com/Mag%27har_orc_(playable)

Yeah, having read that, Dragonmaw are the only ones absent.
Technically we don’t got the pale white skin tone, but the Shattered Hand ARE among the Mag’Har.

Why is the Dragonmaw the odd man out?

If I were to guess, it’s because the Dragonmaw within the Iron Horde are Zaela’s bunch that were carried over from Azeroth. As such, they technically/biologically aren’t mag’har.

There is the Nelghor-shomash clan on Draenor, of which the Dragonmaw have evolved from, but I’d figure they’d physically resemble Frostwolf/Thunderlord or Laughing Skull orcs (they’re native to the border between Frostfire and Gorgrond), due to the fact they haven’t been exposed to fel magic like the present-day Dragonmaw have.

I guess there is atleast one good reason to not have shattered hand playable :stuck_out_tongue: