Time For A New Platform

Come on now, my developer friends.
You’ve exploited this poor old platform
20 years now…
Let’s bring our beloved game forward
with a new platform.
I don’t need any more mounts or pets or toys
or repackaged old content.
I want a new platform.

They would literally have to create an entire new game.

They can’t just “update WoW” to use something else.

They will likely do what Square did eventually, and simply release a second MMO that will run concurrently with the first, while ceasing content updates from the first.

However, they’ve already dedicated the next 5 years to WoW, so WoW 2 is at least 5 years off.

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please tell me the saga is atleast 6

WW starts this year. I’m not counting this year. Lol.

fair fair fair.

sorry, are you asking for it to be released on different platforms, or do you actually mean a new engine?

a new “platform,” whatever you mean by this, doesn’t guarantee we’d get only new content.

Good news is there’s new platform mounts in MoP remix. :robot::magic_wand:

What does this even mean?