think it time to find a new game what’s out there?
what genre are you feeling?
There you go.
Guild Wars 2 is fun, Elden Ring is fun, New World is really fun right now.
Dead By Daylight. You won’t regret.
Can’t go wrong with Civ 6. Even vs the AI is fun. I’m also keen on HS Battlegrounds, and Tropico 6.
so long.
depends. why do you feel you need a new game? is this knee-jerk reaction to the talent system and UI changes? is this long-term burnout? what’s going on?
help me help you.
Download StarCraft II (free version).
HEAR ME OUT…we ain’t playing Starcraft.
Go into the arcade. The most played game there (so it should be at the top of the list) is Direct Strike. The best mode there is “3v3 Commanders”. Select that, then auto-join. Once in the lobby select 'random" (or choose a favorite commander if you know the Starcraft universe).
Enjoy one of the best online gaming experiences currently available to humans.
Best game ever
Help me help you help him.
God of War: Ragnarok in less than two weeks!
Pokemon Violet and Scarlet in just over three weeks!
November is busy!
i would do the same but theres nothing.
maybe ashes of creation soon, or d4 soon, or other stuff not so soon lol
maybe a 28th dos2 playthrough?
Zork. Don’t believe all the stories about the Grue.
I heard there’s a pretty good game called “Super Mario 64” out there, can’t remember what it’s on though.
November usually is busy for games imo
It’s always time to try a new game.
If you’re quitting this one, can I have your gold?
As a WoW replacement or just a good game in general?
That depends on which role you are playing as lol.
vampire survivors!!