<Tilted Wyverns> Horde | PvE | Casual Refuge for Previously Hardcore | NO LC on non-legos | Evenings Eastern

Heyo, Distorted here, OG GM of , originally on Pagle NA. Back in the day, we went hard. We imagine you might’ve even done the same. I even have Pagle’s server first 60.:star2: Circumstances change, though, and five years later we just want a more laid back experience where we can hang with people like us, who either used to take the game a lot more seriously, or are even starting for the first time but have too many obligations to play 24/7.

With classic relaunch around the corner, we’re gonna Go Agane. This time, though, we’re switching sides, and chilling out – we honor another majestic flyer: the Tilted Wyvern of the Horde on the PVE server. :dragon:

Join us at for another unforgettable Classic WoW journey, launching on the NA PVE server as Horde. More casual, more flying, more… legendaries? Maybe? Who the hell knows. We don’t have time to play this, half of us are married with kids or on our second divorce.

Play at your own pace. Bop monsters and battlegrounds with us when you want to. No LC shenanigans for anything but legendaries, which everyone gets a voice in on.

Play it as a stress free game again with us.

Our main raid night is set for Wed 9pm EST.

Discord me @ Ambitosis , or server is Dr7V87FCTF , or reply here.

Gryphons! I mean… Wyverns!

I am Artosis and I approve this message.

We playin this game again for the third time? Sheeeesh

Loads of new friends!

Hello I am just starting shammy on server and like the sound of the guild. I would love to join.