TIL rolling a Demon Hunter is the only correct choice in remix

Apparently the talent “Know your enemy” applies to tinkers. The talent says
“Gain critical strike damage equal to 80% of your critical strike chance.”

I was wondering why I saw DHs running around with well over 100% crit chance, and also why they were doing disproportionally high damage. Well I’m not a DH main, but apparently this is why. If you are wondering what to play in remix, play a DH.


Yea between that and mastery increasing runspeed DH is absolutely a blast in remix.

MM hunter getting boosted range is also pretty cool.

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It’s definitely fun, but I fear that remix is going to ruin retail for me because I’m having such a blast being so overpowered.


Cool and bad at the same time, since meta slots have small ranges.

The idea of maxing another character at this point is kinda daunting tbh. I’ll probably just stick with brewmaster even if other classes sound like fun to break.