I have never been so truly ashamed of Generation Z until now. It makes this 36-year-old Millennial feel like he’s now over the hill. It’s not that every generation didn’t have their own goofball moments, but I came from a time when you were given RESPONSIBILITIES by age 13. I suppose maintaining a playhouse is a responsibility, if indeed they’re the ones that handle all that.
Here I am, the old fuddy-duddy that worked at a grocery store at ages 16-18, joining the military thereafter. I never did weird stuff in front of a camera(not like this) as there was no mobile Internets. How is it that generation gets by? But mine gets called the “Peter Pan” generation. Is there ANY growing up getting done in those TikTok houses at all? Anyone who’s of Gen Z, please tell me you have a plan to be an adult. I’m not that much older than you, but adulthood was thrust upon me like everyone else before us.
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIHKZLZfaTE
I was cooking for myself when I was 6.
They don’t. They want to be offended by everything and handed a high-paying job right out of high school or they don’t want to work at all. They think “being an influencer” is actually a job and that being a streamer and playing video games for other people to watch all day is going to be their career.
To be fair, a lot of this nonsense started in your generation and is being hyper amplified by the latest generation. You guys just didn’t have the technology available to you.
Okay. That wasn’t the earliest I had to actually do stuff, but that was the age when it got serious, when the punishment for being derelict on chores got harsher. Again, from MY time. Your time was different from mine. You can laugh about how “spoiled” I was, but how spoiled I was is DEFINITELY OFF TOPIC from this.
And you can have this one free: in the police state that I grew up in, food and cooking was only done by Mama Bear. So any attempts of self-starting independence was curbed to say the least…
My generation got screwed and forgotten about completely, yet somehow we picked ourselves up. I would not wish that for anyone younger than me, not even these Z kiddos.
The Boomers overindulged us, so I’m passing the buck in that direction. They also had most of the socioeconomic clout, which meant a Millennial had a snowball’s chance in Gehenna of being self-made(we probably could list some honorable mentions). My comment about the lack of technology meant more in the fashion of improvisation. We just had to adapt the best we could. But I look at Z and they’re having a grand ol’ time. They don’t seem to have any hardships at all. Millennials had to deal with the Great Recession as well, and get real intimate that they’re not going to climb the same ladder of success the Boomers enjoyed.
All the same, I ran across these videos and I was shocked. I knew a guy who did Party Boy from you-know-what-show IN PUBLIC and I thought that was extreme.
OP and his post is more cringe than anything on tiktok.
Congratulations. You just called everyone 30+ more cringe than the featured video. I think that narrows your age down. Don’t mind if I start calling you a kid, but you’ll grow up someday.
All I can say is: we didn’t have playhouses quite like this and didn’t do weird crap quite like this.
Nope. I called you, specifically, cringe.
And im 35. Wanna know what I think about TikTok? Nothing. Because i dont concern myself with things that have zero effect on my life.
And in doing so, you went off-topic because this was not about TikTok or TikTok content. Anywhere else than here and it’s a mod advising you to stay on topic. I think that just trashed your entire comment.
You presumed I had an interest in TikTok, which is incorrect. I’m aware people our age do use it; I’m not one of them. Even so, it doesn’t look good for you to say I have more cringe. No one our age and up would say that, so I’m afraid you won’t win this point.
Edit: It’s interesting that my instinct was getting this from YouTube, a more Millennial platform. I remember how a few of us made mucho dinero entertaining the same generation with our Call of Duty gameplay. You and I both remember. There’s cringe to find, but not in me. Millennial success in this fashion came from Z’s viewership and Baby Boomer consoomption of Internet service.
Wanna know whats even cringier than your original post? This new one and your weird obsession with dumping everyone into a neat little generational box. Hint, there are boomeers that use TikTok, and there are Gen Zers thate hate it.
And you do have interest in TikTok since you made an entire stupid topic about literally that.
If you are 36, id be surprised considering how much of a child you seem to be.
You’re doubling down on a loss.
You understand that for the SAKE OF TIME, I can’t look at a generation on a case-by-case basis? I never said every Zoomer was doing this; as a matter of fact, I was APPEALING to those who DIDN’T do this playhouse TikTok thing. I was saying with the hopes that they do have a PLAN. Any plan. This is just supposed to be an attention-getter to a social trend. Zoomers that are doing good should get positive reinforcement, and contrariwise get negative reinforcement.
Way too much “YAAAAS” self-absorption. Way too much camera time.
Since we’re both on the Internet, we’re as old as we carry ourselves to be. I say AND I act my age. I don’t know about you yet, because I’m oftentimes the youngest person in my social circles. 1985 is something like a cutoff year, I guess you can say. I’m already a child or “child” in the midst of X’s and BB’s.
I guess I can wait a little longer for you to say something sensible. No matter how you treat me, Z will still be your(our) problem down the road if not currently. And you will remember how you thought taking a cut at people your age and up has done NOTHING to resolve it. You could have been guiding/mentoring a Zoomer this morning instead of going after mid-30-somethings like me who already did their part. But hey, have fun dealing with this your own way.