Tigers and Wolves

Give us a bone for SL. Many Zandalari do not like their cat form because it is not exactly a cat, which is odd since the Lord of Cats, Kimbul, is their loa. For these devouts of Kimbul, a glyph or short quest should unlock this form.

Incidentally, many worgen do not like their travel form because it is not a wolf. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Pack form bad, never cross the streams.” But the Gilnean worgen are not like the originally night elf worgen, in that the former have clearly demonstrated the ability to control their curse due to the Blackwald ritual. So, something similar could be done here, with a short quest or glyph unlocking a wolf-like travel form (or even allow for running wild function as travel form, i.e., instant cast, subject to speed penalties when in combat when used as a separate travel form keybind).

Then there are OG trolls, which could also be devouts of Kimbul, but I think it would be more appropriate to have a mirror quest to the Zandalari, which involves the same thing, but this would be a Stranglethorn tiger based off the devouts of Shirvalah (although I think both Shirvalah and Kimbul look similar, so perhaps this ordeal could be combined into one thing), and for their travel form another raptor variant or updated cheetah.

Other than that, most druid forms have color variations, but for some reason travel forms do not. For example, there should be green, black, etc. Zandalari raptor travel forms to coincide with the variations in aquatic, cat, and bear forms. In some cases, such as Kul Tiran flight form, I have seen artwork posted by Blizzard that contains these variations but was never implemented in-game.

My last request is that more attention to detail be made when adding new forms, so that there aren’t inconsistencies like missing color variants, or that interesting alternatives that fit nicely with the lore are not overlooked.


Gg :+1:

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Yea I about died laughing when I paid to race change to ZT and my “cat” form is some anteater looking dinosaur and my “bear” form is turtle, whomp whomp.

They should probably rename them “guardian form” and “feral form” as it makes no sense now.

They need to change the water form. That thing is ugly. Make it. dolphin or something. Small whale. Shark. Fish, anything but that.

Wellll my water form is a dolphin thanks to a glyph. But I suppose that’s not the same as it being that was as it’s base form.

Fixed. All other requests, sadly, are still pending. Especially…

“Most druid forms have color variations, but for some reason travel forms do not. For example, there should be green, black, etc. Zandalari raptor travel forms to coincide with the variations in aquatic, cat, and bear forms. In some cases, such as Kul Tiran flight form, I have seen artwork posted by Blizzard that contains these variations but was never implemented in-game.”


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You can get a glyph that will change your water form into a dolphin or an orca. =)

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Shark glyph/mark would be cool.

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