Tierset Completion: Dracthyr Barbershop Reward

As we know, whilst we’re in our scaley dragon-forms — Most of our gear isn’t visable, save except the shoulders & belt – which can be quite rather disapointing when we happen to enjoy the aesthetic / theme of the tier-sets we find ourselves using in our appearances.

:clap: So, this brings me to the premise of this thread …

Dracthyr Barbershop ‘Armor’ visuals – Rewarded upon Tierset Completions!

:dracthyr_nervous_animated: Now before any mild objections or rants of skepticism come forward, at least here me out –

In the barbershop for Dracthyr, we already have a category for barber-selected armor.
These categories are:

  • Helm
  • Shoulders (should we choose to hide our shoulder gear)
  • Chest and Breastplate
  • Upper arms and lower arms
  • Waist & Breechcloth (should we choose to hide our belt gear)
  • Thighs
  • Feet
  • And ‘Armor Style

These are features solely for our Dracthyr whilst in our dragonform, as opposed to our other humanoid visage.

My proposal of suggestion:

is for completing the tier-sets of Evoker (the original & primary Dracthyr class) – That we unlock additional barbershop visuals, accessible either per category listed above, or even a ‘full selection’ category (similar to the ‘Full-Transformation’ on our Dragonriding + additional mounts) to apply the visuals that correlate with the themes of the tierset in question.

:rainbow: The colours of each particular full-gear-up visuals would naturally be unlocked depending on the difficulty of achieved completions :slight_smile:

  • The basis of these newly rewarded customisations would be that they’re primarily earned by the Evokers & correlate to the themes of their sets — However, whether or not these additional barbershop features would be rewarded to all dracthyr, regardless of class – or just solely Evokers, is another thing …

Now this prospect wouldn’t have to apply to ALL of the Evoker tiersets presented (although that would nice, lol) — but it certainly would be fantastic if it could be rewarded towards our dragon lads time to time, so that we may flame-on our dragon-pride :partying_face:

:dracthyr_a1: Ultimately -

The benefits of this would be that many of us would no longer have the need to feel irked, awkward or shameful when we’re completing a tier but only having to show for it a dingy belt and some flashy shoulders – with sometimes even having nothing else to shine it all together.

I personally, would have LOVED to had the Amirdrassil Evoker raid-tier earned some barbershop features for my Dracthyr’s dragonform could utilise — and the upcoming Undermine raid tier for Evokers makes me feel the same way too :dracthyr_nod: … Not to mention that being out of our visage form & in our dragon-form whilst in combat, would also look MUCH more appealing too.

Anyway my fellow dragonkin :dracthyr_no2:

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Feel free to share your thoughts on the above, any other additional ideas to add on to such and perhaps even what Evoker tier-sets you’d have loved to seen be implemented with the presented concept of the aforementioned barbershop-additions ~ in the comments ahead :partying_face: