Tier tokens in Naxx (and AQ).... Specifically the Shaman/Paladin/Druid one

We understand that it’s only two classes on the token per faction, but pairing paladins/druids and shaman/druids is a feel bad. All 3 classes have 3 to 4 specs unlike most of the other classes AND its not uncommon for a raid to have half the raid consisting of either pally/druid or shaman/druid.

Side note and maybe other raiders can pipe in, but it also felt like in AQ, the shaman/paladin/druid token was rarer than the other two. We have gone 3 or 4 weeks of not seeing a chest token off of C’thun in our main raid.

My suggestion is to put Warrior, Druid and Shaman/Paladin on different tokens and then fill the rest out with the remaining classes.

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I didn’t see much of a problem with the original tier tokens classes from MC/BWL. In AQ our shaman and druids are spread thin on gear. That didn’t really happen for my guild in MC/BWL though

Pretty much the only way to make druid loot scarcer than sharing with paladins in my raid comp is to put them back sharing with warriors and rogues.

We have 7 druids, 4 pallies, 4 warriors, and 4 rogues in our comp.

That’s a lot of druids lol