Are they nerfed or nah? I thought I saw somewhere that tier set bonus effects were reduced in PvP, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
50% nerf in PvP.
50% I believe.
Is everything 50%? Duration, proc chance and %damage increase?
For example the hunter set
Beast Mastery
- (2) Set Bonus: Bestial Wrath summons a Dire Beast for 15 seconds.
Is that 7 seconds of dire beast?
(2) Set Bonus – Increases Rapid Fire damage, and causes Rapid Fire to launch a Volley when empowered by Trick Shots.
(4) Set Bonus – Gives a chance when spending Focus to reset the cooldown of Rapid Fire, and cause it to fire 100% more shots during its channel.
For MM the rapid fire 100% more shot seem interesting but the 4 set items all have Crit/Haste on them, which will be a big mastery loss.
I’m not exactly sure everything it affects, but the tooltip updates with the reduced values while in pvp so you can just check it when you’re in a bg.
edit: if you’re wondering about the new sets you can probably check them on the ptr by hitting the pvp training dummy
I’ll give that a try!
If you don’t want to test on the PTR, you might have to dig around the internet a bit.
For example, this is for 10.1:
Ok tested on PTR, the Dire Beast is cut in half, and the rapid fire 100% is still 100% more shots (7 > 14), but I’m assuming the proc chance is cut in half.
I’m sure it is. No need for anyone to check.
The dire beast is still up for 15 seconds. My Dire Beast was pulling more damage than my 2nd pet, but a little less than my main pet.
Main Pet: 538k damage
Dire Beast: 511k Damage
2nd Pet: 457k Damage
This was over 15 seconds. Not really sure how they deal with the tier in PvP. Over 15 seconds I pulled ~2 million damage. Floating around 130k DPS while Wrath is up with no enchants, consumables, or gems.
On my MM i’m pulling around 140k ST DPS with no enchants, consumables, or gems.
Unless they haven’t updated the PTR, my dire beast stays up for about 8 seconds.
This may be the case. When that 100% rapid fire hits though, man is it insane. Even if it is hitting 7% of the time, it’s still 7% too much.
Double Tap is back on the menu!
I wonder if the animation changes.
Does +100% Rapid Fire look like a Gatling gun?
machine gun
Now someone just has to make a weakaura that plays a machine gun sound effect when you use +100% rapid fire.
Thanks for all the responses. This begs the question of why PvP sets don’t have bonuses. The new resto shaman tier bonuses would be amazing in PvP, but at 50% reduction, I don’t think so.
I don’t think tier sets should work in PvP at all. OR, PvP should have it’s own tier sets.
It’s just one more thing that needs to be balanced between both PvE and PvP.
Balancing. The more “amazing tier sets” every class has the more chaotic it becomes to balance. What might work in pve might break pvp
Such as this new mm hunter tier. This better get nerfed like crazy
They spend all season trying to balance these things, usually do a poor job then rinse and repeat for next season. The 50% nerf makes them far less important, to the point where some classes just don’t get them at all
Balancing nightmare.
Imagine if bis gear is 2-set PvE and 2-set PvP. You’d want the highest ilevels too. PvP players would need to farm mythic PvE content. PvE players would need to farm 2400+ rated PvP content.