Tier One Shadowlands leather looks like worgen heritage

Can we please discuss how the tier one leather set of shadowlands looks a lot like reskinned worgen heritage with a new hat? Worgen are already one of the least given to races with story characters, appearances, functional mog, cities, but that’s a whole another issue, but this just feels like a slap in the face. Heritage armor is supposed to be completely unique and should not be even slightly copied because it ruins the purpose, and to make it even worse this set is arguably better looking then worgen heritage too. Now I know some races do not even have heritage yet but I believe they will have it eventually, and this is a bad precedent to the value of the sets especially since the worgen heritage set has not even been out a year, but maybe I am misinterpreting it what do you guys think.

Just to help show what I mean I’m gonna add links to both the sets
see if you look at it yeah they are different I never said they were the exact same but the overall shape and style looks very similar, and the fact that the boots shoulders and belt are different and slightly better designed makes it feel worse because decreases the value of the worgen set even more

I actually think it looks rather different. Worgen heritage armor looks like fancy dress gala. The Shadowlands raid tier set looks like Inquisitor/Witch hunting stuff. You know, what the Worgen heritage armor SHOULD have been?

However, i’m just blooming glad that we’re FINALLY getting a longcoat that all races can wear. Not just Worgen or Kul Tirans. I’ve never been so angry at Blizz than when we learned we could not wear the Coats NPCs in Kul Tiras wear.


Don’t get me wrong I dont have a problem with everyone having coats they look cool go nuts its more a problem with okay well if you knew you would do that then why not give us something different? It just seemed like a wasted heritage armor especially when you look at stuff like tauren that is so unique that most taurens use it.

So many people use this term, yet don’t know what it means.


reskinned means its the exact same model just with different colors that’s why I said it looked like a reskin not that it actually was a reskin. In fact I would say this is worse because this looks like the same shape and style just with a lot more fine details in the gloves belt shoulders, ect… Thats why I said I didn’t like that it just looked like a better more high def version of the heritage with some new colors and hat

literally shaking?
hiccupping in anger?

forum hyperbole
your perception is colored by your sensitivity as they really don’t look that much alike to me


I think you’re trying to pick out how I wrote my critism instead of looking at what my actual issue with it is. I think there’s a problem making a big deal about heritage armor and then turning around and giving similar armor styles to everyone. It would be like letting all races wear totems on their back. It would be cool, but it would suck for tauren just like this feels kind of sucky to worgen

I really don’t see much of a resemblance.
They both have the longer coat style chest piece but they are definitely each distinct from one another. The raid armor is really exaggerated (as expected with raid gear these days).
I made a joke because that kind of language gets (over) used a lot in General Discussion - the slap in the face has its own forum drinking game.
But I still think you are overreacting.

edit to include the heritage armor to compare


By that logic the Dwarf Heritage is ‘like a reskin’ of the Ulduar Warrior Armour:


I’m not sure if its just the picture you sent but those seem a good bit different at least in comparison to worgen and the tier one set, however with the horns and shape I can see why you would think that, but the difference here is that at least from the picture the dwarf set has way more detail and effort put into it compared to the warrior set and its the opposite between the worgen and the SL set

Because the Dwarf set is from a more recent expansion. That’s all it is, the Shadowlands armour and the Worgen armour are both ‘longcoat’ themed the same way the Dwarf armour and Ulduar armour are ‘Viking Dwarf’ themed.

I dont understand how anyone can say thats the same model.
Its a similar CONCEPT.
But the model is far from the same.

Yeah exactly.
Looking at the Castle Nathria leather in the Dressing Room on Wowhead with the worgen model they still don’t look close at all.
It looks better on the human model to me as the worgen dudes always appear to me to have oddly sunken chests which is unfortunate.

As an aside - I’m very happy the tint on the cloth set I like best is from LFR. Should be a bit easier for a noob like me to get for my warlock.
:tada: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Our perceptions are funny things, aren’t they?

I for one am all for adding more longcoat sets to the game. A cloth set would be nice, though